- Inviting People to Your Site
- Projects List View
- User License Types
- User Permissions and Access
- Companies - Owner and External
- Create a Project
- Create a Task List
- Client Users
- Updating Your Own and Other Users' Profile Preferences
- Creating a Notebook
- Copying a Project
- Switching Quickly Between Projects
- Importing Users and Contacts
- Using the My Work List View
- Filtering - An Overview
- Everything - Files Filtering
- Everything - Links Filtering
- Everything - Messages Filtering
- Everything - Notebooks Filtering
- Everything Section - All Options
- Filtering - Editing Saved Filters
- Filtering - Shortcuts
- Integration Options
- People Filtering - Completed Tasks
- People Filtering - Projects
- People Filtering - Tasks
- Project Filtering - Files
- Project Filtering - Links
- Project Filtering - Messages
- Project Filtering - Notebooks
- Saving Filters
- Associating a Calendar Event with a Project
- Managing the Privacy of Events in the Calendar
- Creating and Managing Events in the Calendar
- Adding SMS, Email, and Mobile Push Reminders for Events
- Bulk Editing Tasks
- Editing a Notebook
- Gantt Chart Settings
- Locating Your API Key
- Moving or Copying Files
- Skipping Weekends Within the Gantt Chart
- Viewing Links Across All Projects
- View the Calendar
- Completing a Task List
- Enabling the Google Team Drive Integration
- Manage Files on Tasks
- Moving a Message
- Reassigning Tasks When Removing a User from a Project
- Company - Projects Filtering
- Disabling Status Update Emails
- Enabling Comments at Project Level
- Add a Site Administrator
- Creating a New Google Document Through
- Quickly Inviting Multiple People to Your Site
- Updating User Contact Details
- Using Status Updates
- Setting Privacy on Milestones
- Activity Filtering
- Adding a Project Announcement
- Adding an Event via the Quick Add Menu
- Adding Contacts in the People Area
- Adding Extra Email Addresses
- Adding Followers to Project Items
- Adding or Editing a Company
- Adding Task Reminders
- Bulk Editing Tasks Across Multiple Projects
- Changing Dates of Tasks with Dependencies
- Changing Dates of Tasks with Dependencies in the Gantt Chart
- Changing Your Email Address
- Changing Your Language and Localization Settings
- Changing Your Password
- Collaborators
- Collapsing and Expanding Subtasks
- Completed Projects
- Completing a Project
- Creating Recurring Events
- Customizing Project Features and Navigation
- Deleting a Project
- Deleting a User from Your Site
- Downgrading a Standard User to a Collaborator
- Downgrading a User to a Contact
- Enabling Desktop Alerts
- Enabling the Dropbox Integration on Your Projects
- Enabling the Google Drive Integration on Your Projects
- Enabling the OneDrive for Business Integration on Your Projects
- Exclude Weekends
- Exporting an Invoice to a Xero File
- Impersonate a User
- Link Multiple Accounts
- Locking a File in a Project
- Managing Multiple Files
- Moving Projects Between Sites
- My Projects Filtering
- Navigating
- Notifications Are Not Showing for My Site
- Previewing Uploaded Videos
- Projects Chart View
- Quickly Viewing All of Your Tasks
- Quickly Viewing the Company Details for a Project
- Reporting Options for
- Resetting a User's Password via Invites
- Restoring Deleted Users and Contacts
- Search and Command Center
- Setting Start and End Dates on a Project
- Setting Task and Milestone Permissions
- Share File Links
- Supported Browsers to Use with
- Task Completed Email Notification Settings
- AI Assistant
- Understanding Project Statuses
- Updating Your Profile Image
- Upgrading a Collaborator to a Standard User
- Upgrading a Contact to a User
- Using the Quick Add Menu
- Viewing Active Tasks Across All Projects
- Viewing Activity on Your Site
- Viewing All Archived Projects
- Viewing All Your Items in Your Profile
- Viewing and Restoring Deleted Projects and Project Templates
- Viewing Completed Tasks Across All Projects
- Viewing Files Across All Projects
- Viewing Messages Across All Projects
- Viewing Notebooks Across All Projects
- Viewing Your Projects
- Working with Dashboards
- Working with the Companies View