Within Teamwork.com, you can change task dates in a project's Gantt chart.
If a task is dependent on another with the condition that it can not start before the predecessor is completed, the predecessor's start and due dates will be altered if the dependent task's start date is moved to before the predecessor's original due date.

If you have a parent task that is dependent on its subtask with the condition that the parent task cannot start without the subtask being completed, changing the due date on a subtask to make the subtask duration longer (ie: + 3 days) will move the parent task.

The parent will keep its full duration so only its start and due date will be altered based on the relevant direction of the change.

If you adjust the start date of a parent task to change its duration, this will move the subtask's start and due dates based on the relevant direction of the change. The parent task will have a new duration, but the subtask's original duration will remain intact.

If you change the start date of a parent task (e.g. push it out 3 days later), the due date of the associated subtasks will not be affected but the duration of the parent task will decrease.

You can also adjust a task by clicking anywhere on the bar for the task and dragging it to a new position. The task you are dragging will keep its full duration.
If the parent task can not be started until the subtask is completed then dragging the task towards the parent task will push the start date of the parent task when it meets the due date of the subtask.
- The parent task will keep its full duration. The start and due dates of both tasks will change. If you drag the parent task to the left then both of the task will move and keep their full duration.

If you have a parent task that cannot be completed without the subtask being completed, the arrow will move to the end of the parent task. Dragging the due date of a subtasks will not change the due date of the parent task until it reaches the current due date of the parent task.

Changing the start date of a subtask will not change any other dates.
- Note: The minimum duration a task can be changed to is one day.
For more information, see: Changing Dates of Tasks with Dependencies