Within Teamwork.com, you can filter your projects list via the Home area of your site.
In the Home area, select the My projects tab from the horizontal navigation menu.

Click the filters button in the top right to open the filters pane.

Filter your list of projects by a particular word or phrase.

Filter the projects based on one or multiple tags. When at least two tags are selected, you will see an additional option to match all tags which will display only projects using all of the tags.

Clicking the Show more options link at the bottom of the tags filter will give you an additional option to select tags to exclude from your filter.

Project Owner
Filter the projects in the list to ones with specific project owners. You can also filter to projects with no project owner set.

Select which project categories to filter by.

Filter the projects to one or multiple companies.

Last worked on
View projects last worked on in a particular period.

Choose to only display starred projects.

Reordering filters
You can customize the order of the filters in the filters pane by dragging and dropping them to another position.

Saving filters
You can choose to save a filter you have created for use at a later time. Once saved, it will appear in the Saved Filters tab of the filters pane.
Clicking a saved filter will highlight it and apply it to the projects view.

For the My Projects area, you will also see some suggested filters you can utilize in the Saved Filters tab.
- All my projects - show all projects you are a member of
- Projects I've worked on recently - show projects you have worked on within the last 30 days
- My starred projects - show only projects you have starred
- Projects I own - show all projects where you are the project owner
When a filter is applied, you will see it noted at the top of the page. You can also change quickly between your saved filters by clicking the currently active filter's name and choosing another from the dropdown.

Note: Saved filters are available on paid Teamwork.com subscriptions.
For more information, see: Viewing Your Projects