Within Teamwork.com, you can use the bulk edit
tasks feature to modify, complete, move, copy,
or delete multiple tasks in a task at
Note: Only users with the project permission to edit all tasks can bulk edit tasks on a project.
In the Table or List area of your project,
click the
options button (three dots) in the top
right and select Bulk Edit
Tasks from the dropdown

Note: If you have a filter applied
when attempting to bulk edit tasks, it will
only bulk edit those tasks found via the
filter, not all tasks on a project.
In the bulk edit modal, you can select an
action to perform on the tasks: modify, move copy, complete, or delete.

Once you select an action, you can
scroll through the tasks or use the task list
dropdown to find the specific tasks you want
to update.

When using the modify option and selecting
the tasks, you will then see the different
task properties you can update.
Select the checkbox to the left of each
relevant property before selecting a new

The available modify options are:
- Reassign - choose
the individuals, teams, or companies to
reassign to the tasks.
- Start Date - adjust the start date of the selected task(s).
- Remove all start dates, select a specific date, push start dates forward, number of days/weeks time.
- Due Date - adjust the due date of the selected task(s).
- Remove all due dates, select a specific date, push due dates forward, number of days/weeks time.
- Progress - choose
the new percentage of progress.
- Estimated TIme -
add the estimated time in hours and
- Priority - choose
a new priority.
- Set Column - choose a board
column for the tasks.
- Change Creator -
choose the person marked as the
creator of the tasks.
- Tags - add or
remove tags on all selected tasks.
- Task Changes
Followers -
adjust who is following changes to the
selected tasks.
- Comment
Followers -
adjust who is following comments added to
the tasks.
When updating the assignee
and follower options, you can
choose individuals, teams, and
For the task changes and
comment followers options, you
can add to the existing
followers, remove some
existing followers, or use
the Remove
All option in the

Once you have selected your new task
properties, click Update Tasks to
make the changes.
After selecting the tasks you are
looking to move, you can then select the
destination project and task list for the
If you want to create a brand new task list
to move the tasks to, choose the Add Task
List option from the Destination
Task List dropdown.

As with moving tasks, you can first choose
which tasks you want to copy. Once you click next, you can then select the
destination project and task list for the

When you choose Complete from the operation
dropdown and select the tasks you want to
complete, you can then click the
complete button in the modal.

Similarly to the complete action, when you
choose Delete and select the tasks you want to
remove, click next and then select the delete
button in the bottom right of the modal

You will then see a confirmation modal before
deleting the tasks.
For more information, see: Bulk Editing Subtasks