Within Teamwork.com, you can choose who can see events in the calendar by setting privacy on them.
When adding or editing a calendar event, select the Privacy tab.

You can choose from four privacy options:
- Only people in my company can see this - nobody in a client (external) company will be able to see the event.
- This option is only available to people in the owner company.
- Anyone viewing the calendar can see this - anybody with permission to view the calendar will be able to see the event.
- Members of a project can see this - people who are members of the project you select will see this event.
- You can set it to all of your projects, or an individual project. When an individual project is selected, you can also choose to allow project members (excluding collaborators) to edit the event.
- This is just for me - only you will see this event.
- You also have an option here to Show "Busy" to everyone else - if this is checked, people who view the calendar will not see any details about the event but they will see that you are unavailable at that time.
For more information, see: Creating an Event in the Calendar