Teamwork Desk Settings
Create an Inbox
Editing an Inbox Email Signature
Setting up Your Customer Portal
Forward a Ticket
Creating and Editing Canned Responses
Enabling Ticket Time Tracking
Setting up External Forwarding to an Inbox
Using Custom Fields on Tickets
Difference Between Agents and Part-Time Agents
Creating an Embeddable Contact Form for Your Site
Using Your Own SMTP Server to Send Emails
Create and Enable Auto Replies
Importing Tickets
Managing Tags
Export Options for Teamwork Desk
Modifying Ticket Properties from Your Email Client
Adding a Custom Domain Name for Your Site
Change Your Teamwork Desk Subscription Plan
Importing Customers via CSV
Adding a New Custom Field
Manage Site Settings
Cancel Your Teamwork Desk Subscription
Submitting a Ticket Through the Customer Portal
Enabling the Ticket ID Setting
Changing the Appearance of Your Customer Portal
Changing the Ticket Editor Language
Adding a Custom Domain for Your Customer Portal
Enabling Happiness Ratings
Teamwork Desk Time Tracking Settings
Exporting Companies
Ticket Collision Detection
Using Spam Thresholds
Auto-closing a Ticket
Adding a Ticket ID into Canned Responses
Spam Filtering
Using Markdown
Change Your Subscription Invoice Email Address
Update Your Payment Details
Disabling Happiness Ratings
Interacting with Your Own Tickets in the Customer Portal
Enabling or Disabling Custom Fields
Automatic Email Inclusion
Enabling Gravatar Avatars
Detecting Manual Forwards
Enabling Hidden Images
Resetting Your Customer Portal Password
Forwarding Alias Emails to One Inbox
Viewing Your Customer Portal Profile
Deleting an Inbox
Adding a Public Icon to an Inbox
Updating Your Teamwork Desk Invoice Details
Adding Custom Fields to Your Embeddable Contact Form
Enabling the Submit a Request Form for Your Help Docs Site