Within Teamwork Desk, you can set a variable to include the ticket ID in a canned response.
To enable this, click your profile icon to the top right of the navigation bar and select Settings.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9996759/image.png)
Go to the Inboxes subsection of the settings area and select the relevant inbox.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9236242/Screenshot 2019-06-26 at 16.01.17.png)
In the inbox details view, select Canned Responses from the left navigation pane.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9623902/Screenshot 2019-11-06 at 09.28.43.png)
You can edit an existing canned response or create a new one by selecting the green Add Canned Response option to the top right of the screen.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11059537/Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 13.37.37.png)
In the canned response modal, select the variable option from the editor toolbar.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11059538/Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 13.38.33.png)
Select Ticket - ID from the dropdown menu of variable options.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/9237782/Screenshot 2019-06-26 at 21.07.46.png)
The variable will then be inserted into the body of the auto reply, you can position this anywhere within the reply area.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/11059539/Screenshot 2021-03-03 at 13.39.22.png)
For more information, see: Using Variables