Within Teamwork Desk, you can edit an email signature of an individual inbox.

Note: Inbox settings can only be managed by site administrators and inbox administrators of the inbox.

Click your profile icon to the top right of the navigation bar and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

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In the settings area, select the Inboxes tab.

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Choose the inbox you would like to make changes to and then select Edit Inbox from the left pane.

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Hover over the Email Signature section and select the pencil icon to add or edit an inbox signature. 

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If there are multiple users replying from the same inbox, you can use variables to insert details to your ticket replies, such as the agent's name.

You can insert a variable into the email signature by clicking the Insert Variable option in the text editor toolbar. Once you select a variable from the dropdown, it will be added to the text area.

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If you want to add an image to your signature you can simply drag the image from your computer into position in the signature text area.

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Alternatively, If you want to use an image stored online you can use the image URL and paste it into the source within the editor.

Click the View Source button ( < > icon) on the left of the editor bar and paste your URL in the image source code.

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The highlighted area above shows the pasted URL. You can follow the basic HTML below to insert your own.

<img src="your image URL"> - replace "your image URL" with the image URL that you want to use.

For more information, see: Creating and Using Canned Responses