Within Teamwork Desk, you can create tags which can be applied to tickets your receive in your inboxes.
To manage tags, click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select Settings from the dropdown menu.

In the settings area, go to the Tags tab.

At the top of the tags area, you will have the quick search option to search your existing tags along with the amount of tags displayed. To the right hand side you can Add Tags and filter existing tags.
Your existing tags will be grouped by letter in alphabetical order.

To create a new tag, click the Add Tag button and type your tag name into the text field. Click return/enter on your keyboard to add the tag.

When you click on an existing tag so it is selected, you will see some additional options:
- View all tickets with the selected tag attached
- Edit the selected tag
- Delete the selected tag

When editing an existing tag you will have the option to rename it or assign a new color.

When you select multiple tags together, there will also be an arrow icon shown, which allows you to merge the selected tags into one new tag. When you select the merge icon, you are asked to enter the new tag name. This will update the tag on all associated tickets.

If you select the trash icon (delete option), the tag will be deleted. This can not be undone.

Note: If the tag(s) you are trying to delete are being used in any triggers on your site, you will get a trigger dependency warning in the delete modal. Deleting the tag will also delete the associated trigger dependency.
To the right side of the tags screen there are various filter options for viewing specific tags.
- Last updated - select date
- Sort by - sort the tags by:
- Alphabetical
- Popularity
- Color
- Last updated
- Labels - by color
- Inboxes - show tags used in certain inboxes

For more information, see: Setting up an Inbox