Search for "gmail add-on" yielded 636 results

  • My Projects Filtering
    Tags Filter the projects based on one or multiple tags.
  • Viewing Milestone Change History
    ✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can see all the changes that have been made to a milestone in the milestone change history.
  • Managing Linked Files
    Within, you can manage files linked to your projects via third party storage apps such as Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • Quickly Editing a Task Description
    Pressing Enter on your keyboard or clicking away from the field will save your changes. In List view, click the More link to the right of the task name to expand the description.
  • Using the Make Integration
    Make enables you to automate your processes and communication between different applications and services, transferring and transforming data without the need for manual input.
  • Installing the Document Editor
    Within, you can download the Document editor and use it to edit files directly on your computer.
  • Viewing Notifications in the Mobile App
    Unread notifications will be highlighted in blue and can be pressed to open and marked as read. On iOS, you can also swipe left and tap the blue tick to mark the notification as read.
  • Custom Ordering Saved Filters
    A filters pane will open on the right where you can select the Saved Filters tab at the top. Hover over any of your existing saved filters to reveal the move icon on the left.
  • Tag Options
    In the settings area, go to the Tags subsection where you will see all existing tags on your site.
  • Converting Tasks to Subtasks
    You can change them quickly using drag and drop or a keyboard shortcut in the List area of your project.
  • Google Calendar Integration
    Log time from Google events to projects they have permission to log time on. When You need to view your full schedule of meetings and workload in one place.
  • Viewing Your Success Planner
    Within, you can use the Success Planner to explore how your team is making use of features and functionality on your site.
  • Changing Dates of Tasks with Dependencies
    Within, you can change the dates of dependent tasks and subtasks automatically when changing the dates on the predecessor task.
  • Tag Settings
    Within, you can enable tags on your site and specify whether non-administrators can create tags.
  • Viewing Links Across All Projects
    To view Links across all Projects, click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select Everything .
  • Enabling the SharePoint Integration for Your Site
    ✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 SharePoint is a web-based document management and storage system that enables you to share files and resources.
  • Everything - Notebooks Filtering
    Within, you can filter the notebooks that have been added across the projects on your site.
  • Enabling Custom CSS for Your Site
    It is currently available on some Grow, Scale, and legacy subscriptions. Within, you can upload your own custom CSS to customize how your site looks.
  • Impersonate a User
    ✔️ Available on all subscriptions. What Impersonate a user to see how they experience your site. Why See a user's current feature and project access.
  • Generating an Activity Report for Your Projects
    Within, you can generate an activity report which covers all active projects on your site. Note: Standard users and above in the owner company can generate an activity report.
  • Everything - Messages Filtering
    Within, you can filter the results for messages that have been created by users across multiple projects on your site.
  • Everything - All Completed Tasks Filtering
    Within, you can filter the results for completed tasks across multiple projects on your site.
  • Viewing Your Projects
    Clicking this will show you a timeline of activity on the project for the past 30 days. If you hover over a point in the graph, you will see a total count of activity for that day.
  • Project Filtering - Task List Level
    Clicking Show more options will expand the filter and allow you to filter to tasks assigned to teams or companies and their individual members.
  • Moving Projects Between Sites
    Select the Projects option from the main navigation menu on the left of your site and go to the List subsection.