Within Teamwork.com, you can quickly reassign tasks and milestones to other users on a project.


In the Dashboard area of your project, you can reassign tasks via the tasks breakdown panel in the Summary subsection.

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The breakdown panel is located to the right of the Summary section. In the users list, you will see the individuals or teams with the most active tasks or estimated time (depending on your selection in the top right.

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You can see more details in a quick view by clicking the Expand option at the bottom.

The quick view will show the project's users in the left side panel. When you click an individual user or team, their assigned tasks will be displayed on the right side. When you select to view a team, tasks assigned to individual team members will also be included.

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You can reassign tasks by dragging them from the right side panel and dropping them on to a new assignee on the left. Hover over the task, then click and hold the vertical dots to the left of the task before dragging it to a new assignee.

The reassignment is instant and you will see their active tasks increasing and their percentage of the tasks breakdown going up.

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Project options menu

You can also bulk reassign all tasks as well as milestones via the project options menu. Click the three dots to the right of the project name to open the menu. Hover over More Options and select Reassign Items.

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In the Reassign Items modal, you can use the dropdown to select the project member whose items you want to reassign. Click Next, Choose What to Reassign to proceed.

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You will then be able to choose a different project member to reassign the items to, as well as whether all the original user's milestones, tasks or both should be included.

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For more information, see: Bulk Editing Tasks in a Task List