Within Teamwork.com, you can enable user profile permissions to specify what each user can do on your site.

You can update a user's permissions via the site-level People area.

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Click the three dots to the right of the relevant user in the list and select Edit Profile from the dropdown menu.

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When viewing the Edit Details modal, go to the Permissions tab to access the user permissions.

Internal company users

  • Is this user an administrator? Do you wish to grant admin rights to this user.
    • When a user is granted the administrator permission, they are automatically given all permissions except for the automatic access to all future projects option.
  • Can this user access project templates?  If the user has the ability to add projects, they will be able to create projects from templates.
    • Can this user manage project templates? This will allow the user to create and edit project templates.
    • Note: Project templates are available on per-user Pro/Deliver (max 20 custom templates), Premium/Grow (max 50 custom templates), and Scale (unlimited custom templates).
  • Can this user access resource scheduling? Grant the user access to the Schedule subsection of the Planning area.
    • Can this user manage resource scheduling? This will allow the user to create and manage allocations for users via the Schedule.
    • Note: The Schedule feature is available on Grow/Premium subscriptions and above. An additional People based view is available to accounts on Scale subscriptions.
  • Can this user add projects? Whether or not users can add projects to the site. When they add projects, they will be added as a project administrator on those projects.
  • Can this user manage task templates? Whether or not they can add or edit templates for task lists.  (They can access the templates from the options menu in the top right of the 'Tasks' area, or the task list options menu.)
    • Note: The user will also need permission to add tasks enabled on the project in order to use the templates option.
  • Can this user manage people and companies? Whether or not the user can manage people and companies. Users in the owner company will be able to view this area even without this permission. 
  • Can this user manage the projects portfolio? Do you wish to allow this user the option of editing the project portfolio. Users with this permission can create/remove boards and columns, and edit their properties, such as name, color, triggers).
    • Notes:
      • Only site administrators and project administrators can add a project to a portfolio board column, or move the project between columns.
      • The Portfolio feature is available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
  • Can this user manage custom fields? Grant the user access to the site-level custom fields area where they can view, edit, delete, and create custom fields for your site.
    • A standard user with permission to manage project and task custom fields will see the Settings option in their profile dropdown menu. Only the custom fields section will be visible to them in the site settings.
  • Give automatic access to all future projects? If this option is enabled, the user will automatically be made members of all projects that are added on the site.
  • Can this user create Custom Reports? This will enable a user who is either an administrator or a project administrator on at least one project to create custom reports (available on Scale subscription plans).
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External company users

  • Is this user an administrator? Do you wish to grant admin rights to this user. External company admins cannot access the site level Settings.
    • They cannot change the company associated with other site administrators.
    • They cannot move external company users to the owner company.
  • Can this user access project templates?  If the user has the ability to add projects, they will be able to create projects from templates.
    • Can this user manage project templates? This will allow the user to create and edit project templates.
    • Note: Project templates are available on per-user Pro/Deliver (max 20 custom templates), Premium/Grow (max 50 custom templates), and Scale (unlimited custom templates).
  • Can this user access resource scheduling? Grant the user access to the Schedule subsection of the Planning area.
    • Can this user manage resource scheduling? This will allow the user to create and manage allocations for users via the Schedule.
    • Note: The Schedule feature is available on Grow/Premium subscriptions and above. An additional People based view is available to accounts on Scale subscriptions.
  • Can this user add projects? Whether or not users can add projects to the site. When they add projects, they will be added as a project administrator on those projects.
  • Can this user manage task templates? Whether or not they can add or edit templates for task lists. (They can access the templates from the options menu in the top right of the 'Tasks' area, or the task list options menu.)
    • Note: The user will also need permission to add tasks enabled on the project in order to use the templates option.
  • Can this user manage people and companies? Whether or not the user can view and manage people and companies. Users in external companies cannot see the site-level people section without this permission.
  • Can this user access the projects portfolio? Do you wish to allow this user access to the project portfolio
    • Can this user manage the projects portfolio? Do you wish to allow this user the option of editing the project portfolio (This option only appears once the portfolio access permission above is granted). Users with this permission can create/remove boards and columns, and edit their properties, such as name, color, triggers).
    • Notes:
      • Only site administrators and project administrators can add a project to a portfolio board column, or move the project between columns.
      • The Portfolio feature is available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
  • Can this user manage custom fields? Grant the user access to the site-level custom fields area where they can view, edit, delete, and create custom fields for your site.
    • An external company user with permission to manage project and task custom fields will see the Settings option in their profile dropdown menu. Only the custom fields section will be visible to them in the site settings.
  • Give automatic access to all future projects? If this option is enabled, the user will automatically be made a member of all projects that are added for their company.
  • Can this user create Custom Reports? This will enable a user who is either an administrator or a project administrator on at least one project to create custom reports based on projects and items within their company (available on Scale subscription plans).
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Client users

Client users cannot be granted any profile permissions. They will get access to the Calendar automatically.

In the Permissions tab, you can manage their project access.

  • Give automatic access to all future projects? If this option is enabled, the user will automatically be made a member of all projects that are added for their company.

For more information, see: Setting User Permissions on a Project