✔  Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions. 1

Visualize projects on a kanban-style board with customizable columns.
  • Group and organize projects based on how your company manages client projects for a more holistic and strategic overview of what your team's working on.
  • Get a high level view of multiple projects at once and quickly see how they're progressing.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can create and manage Portfolio boards, columns, and triggers. They can also add, move, or remove projects from Portfolio board columns.
  • Standard users (in any company) with the profile permission:
    • Manage the projects portfolio (allows users to create and Portfolio boards, columns, and triggers). Standard users must be project admins to have additional rights (see below).
  • Project admins (in the owner company) can add, move, or remove projects they're an admin on from Portfolio board columns.
You want to track projects through a custom workflow.
  • Ex:  Create a "Content Schedule" board with columns such as "Upcoming," "In Progress," "At Risk," "Review," and "Completed.", giving you and your team a birds eye view of your current workload and how projects are progressing.
Visualize projects on a kanban-style board with customizable columns.
  • Group and organize projects based on how your company manages client projects for a more holistic and strategic overview of what your team's working on.
  • Get a high level view of multiple projects at once and quickly see how they're progressing.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can create and manage Portfolio boards, columns, and triggers. They can also add, move, or remove projects from Portfolio board columns.
  • Standard users (in any company) with the profile permission:
    • Manage the projects portfolio (allows users to create and Portfolio boards, columns, and triggers). Standard users must be project admins to have additional rights (see below).
  • Project admins (in the owner company) can add, move, or remove projects they're an admin on from Portfolio board columns.
You want to track projects through a custom workflow.
  • Ex:  Create a "Content Schedule" board with columns such as "Upcoming," "In Progress," "At Risk," "Review," and "Completed.", giving you and your team a birds eye view of your current workload and how projects are progressing.

Before you start

Projects can be added to multiple Portfolio boards, but can only exist on one column at a time in each board.

Feature limits

Teamwork.com plan
Number of Portfolio boards
Deliver (& Pro)
Grow (& Premium)
Scale (& Enterprise)
Teamwork.com plan
Number of Portfolio boards
Deliver (& Pro)
Grow (& Premium)
Scale (& Enterprise)

Create a Portfolio board

Create Portfolio boards from the Portfolio area.

  1. Click ... More in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Planning from the pop-out menu. You might find Planning pinned to the main navigation menu.
  3. Switch to the Portfolio tab.

    Image Placeholder
  4. Click + Add Board.
  5. Name the new Portfolio board. Pick something that reflects the purpose of the board, such as "Client Projects."
  6. Click the circle icon to the name field's right and select a color for the board. Psst! This is optional but we highly recommend it to help differentiate between boards at a glance.
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  7. Set a board description. Again, this is optional but can provide your team with key context as to the board's purpose.
  8. Click Add board to save your new board.

Create a private Portfolio board

✔  Available on Scale subscriptions 2 Request a demo
✔  Available on Scale subscriptions 2

By default, all site admins and all standard users with the permission to view Portfolio boards have access to all Portfolio boards. You can restrict board access to a subset of those people.

  1. Click ... More in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Planning from the pop-out menu. You might find Planning pinned to the main navigation menu.
  3. Click the Portfolio tab.
  4. Click + Add board.
  5. Select the People tab in the board creation / edit window.
  6. In the People subsection, select the checkbox beside each individual user who (or entire company whose members) should be able to see the board. You can do the same for teams in the Teams tab. 
    📝 You can only select people who already have permission to view Portfolio boards. Selecting a team or company automatically selects all of its members who have permission to view Portfolio boards.
  7. Click Add board.

The private Portfolio board is created and only the selected people can now see the board.

Create Portfolio board columns

Add columns to your Portfolio board — these are the statuses, categories, or stages your projects will work through.

  1. Click ... More in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Planning from the pop-out menu. You might find Planning pinned to the main navigation menu.
  3. Switch to the Portfolio tab.
  4. Click + Add Column.
  5. Add a column name.
  6. Click the circle icon beside the column name, then select a color for the column.

  7. Click Save to add the column to your Portfolio board.

Add a project to a Portfolio board

🔑 Reminder: Site admins and project admins can add projects to Portfolio board columns.

  1. Click ...More in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Planning from the pop-out menu. You might find Planning pinned to the main navigation menu.
  3. Switch to the Portfolio tab.
  4. Click a board name to view it.
  5. Click Show backlog in the view's top left.
  6. Find the relevant project in the backlog list. Psst! You can search for and filter projects in the backlog to find what you're looking for.
  7. Click and hold the icon to a project name's left and drag and drop the project card to the appropriate column.

The project is added to the chosen board column. Click the project card to open the project summary in a quick view panel.

💡 Want to add multiple projects to a column? Select the checkbox beside each column you want to move, then drag and drop the group to the relevant column.

Move or remove projects from Portfolio board columns

🔑 Reminder: Site admins and project admins can move projects between columns or remove projects from Portfolio board columns.

  1. Click ... More in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Planning from the pop-out menu. You might find Planning pinned to the main navigation menu.
  3. Go to the Portfolio tab.
  4. Click a board name to view it.
  5. Scroll to the relevant column.
  6. Next:
    1. Move a project between columns: Click and hold a project card, then drag and drop it to another column in the board.
    2. Remove a project from a column: Click and hold a project card, then drag and drop it to the backlog (make sure the backlog panel is open!). Alternatively, drop the card on the Remove from board option that appears at the top of the board as you drag the project.

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Another option...

You can also manage a project's associated Portfolio columns in the following areas:

  • From a project's Dashboard tab:
    1. Find the project details panel on the Dashboard's left.
    2. Hover over the Board Columns section and click Manage.
    3. Click an existing board column and select another column from the dropdown or choose Remove from board.
  • From the List tab in the Projects area:
    1. Make sure the Board column is toggled on.
    2. Scroll to the relevant project row.
    3. Click the project's existing board column. 
    4. Select another column from the dropdown or choose Remove from this board
      📝 Projects on multiple boards display the column associated with the board the project was most recently added to. Click Manage in the dropdown to update the project's columns in other boards.

Best practices

  • Organize: Create Portfolio boards to group projects to suit how your company manages client work, then create columns to support the different phases of your workflow.
  • Create custom views: Projects can exist in multiple boards at once, meaning you can easily reflect different processes for each project. For example, you have a board for each client's projects, with columns for progress phases. You could also create a board for a combined view of all of your company's projects.
  • Automate: Use triggers to automatically update a project's properties when the project card is moved to a particular Portfolio board column.

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.
2. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Enterprise.