โœ”๏ธ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1

Automate recurring time reminders, sent via email and within Teamwork.com, reminding people on your site to track their time. Or, send one-time manual reminders to the few people who need a... well, reminder
  • Accurately logged time is crucial for reporting, resource management, and billing accuracy. 
  • Reduce workload for project managers (we'll send the reminder so you don't have to chase people as often).
  • Improve overall efficiency helping to ensure project deadlines are met.
  • Site administrators can create and manage automated and manual reminders. 
  • Standard users with the profile permission:
    • Can manage time reminders (allows users to create and manage automated and manual reminders)
  • Standard users can view automated time reminders that have been set up for them.  
If time tracking is an expected part of your workflow and users are struggling to remember to track their time. If just a few people are time-logging-escape artists, use manual reminders instead.
Automate recurring time reminders, sent via email and within Teamwork.com, reminding people on your site to track their time. Or, send one-time manual reminders to the few people who need a... well, reminder.
  • Accurately logged time is crucial for reporting, resource management, and billing accuracy.
  • Reduce workload for project managers (we'll send the reminder so you don't have to chase people as often).
  • Improve overall efficiency helping to ensure project deadlines are met.
  • Site administrators can create and manage automated and manual reminders.
  • Standard users with the profile permission:
    • Can manage time reminders (allows users to create and manage automated and manual reminders)
  • Standard users can view automated reminders that have been set up for them.
If time tracking is an expected part of your workflow and users are struggling to remember to track their time. If just a few people are time-logging-escape artists, use manual reminders instead.

Before you start

  • Automated time reminders are sent based on the recipient's time zone setting.
  • Administrators can opt out of automated time reminders. They can still receive manual reminders.
  • Only users with working hours set will receive automated time reminders. 
  • Collaborators and client users do not receive time reminders. 

Create an automated time reminder

Create a daily or weekly time reminder for your site (aka for all standard users).

  1. Click your profile icon from Teamwork.com's main navigation.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click the Time tab.
  4. Turn on the Send reminders toggle.
  5. To set a daily reminder:
    1. Select Every working day from the dropdown menu. Users will only receive daily reminders on their working days (working days are set up and managed in settings).
  6. To set a weekly reminder: 
    1. Select Weekly from the dropdown menu. 
    2. Select a day of the week.
  7. To set a Bi-weekly reminder:
    1. Select Bi-weekly from the dropdown menu.
    2. Select a day of the week.
  8. To set a monthly reminder: 
    1. Select First day of the month or Last day of the month
  9. Select a time. This is the time the reminder will be sent to each person in their local time (based on their localization settings).
  10. Choose a capacity percentage. This determines who receives a notification based on their logged time vs their capacity percentage. So we don't send reminders to users that do not need reminding! 
    Capacity percentage = 100 * (time logged / working hours).
  11. Exclude users or Teams:
    1. Click the Add user icon. Already have people excluded? Click the existing user avatar(s) to reopen the people picker.
    2. Search for and select individual users or teams from the dropdown menu. The selected users and users within teams will not receive automated time reminders

Time reminders (an email and a bell notification in Teamwork.com) will be sent, at the chosen frequency, to people who meet the set criteria. The reminders include details on how much time someone has currently logged and how much remaining time should be logged to reach capacity.

๐Ÿ’ก You can see when and who last updated the automated time reminder, it's just underneath the time reminder options.

Send a manual time reminder

Send individual manual time reminders when someone needs that extra push.
๐Ÿ“ Manual time reminders can be sent once every 24 hours.

  1. Click Time from Teamwork.com's main navigation.
  2. Select the Company timesheet tab. 
  3. Review listed users - check users' logged time vs their capacity to narrow down someone who may need reminding.
  4. Hover over the user you want to remind. 
  5. Click the bell icon. 

A time reminder is instantly sent to that person via email and Teamwork.com bell notification. The reminder includes details about the time currently logged for the day and how much remaining time can be logged to reach capacity for the day.

View automated time reminders

Standard users can see (but not edit) active time reminders from their profile preferences.

  1. Click your profile icon from Teamwork.com's main navigation. 
  2. Click Edit my details
  3. Select the Preferences tab. View the reminder's send time and frequency setting.
    Image Placeholder 
๐Ÿ”‘ Administrators and standard users with the can manage time reminders permission can click Modify to access site settings and edit the site's automated time reminder.

Turn off automated time reminders

๐Ÿ”‘ Administrators and standard users with the can manage time reminders permission can turn off time reminders for the entire site (or just for themselves).

Turn off time automated reminders for all standard users

Click your profile icon from Teamwork.com's main navigation.
  1. Select Settings.
  2. Click the Time tab. 
  3. Turn off the Send reminders toggle.

Automated time reminders are turned off for all users on the site. 

Personal opt out  

  1. Click your profile icon from Teamwork.com's main navigation. 
  2. Click Edit my details
  3. Select the Preferences tab.
  4. Toggle off Receive the default time reminder? 

Automated reminders are turned off for you โ€” you will no longer receive the siteโ€™s automated time reminders. You will still receive manual time reminders if they are issued to you.

Best practices

  • Set expectations: Tell users what expectations are around time tracking and let them know that an email will be sent if they havenโ€™t tracked enough time.
  • Set working hours: Automated time reminders are sent based on capacity. Calculate capacity more accurately by setting working hours.
  • Review company timesheets: Instead of sending a default reminder every week, Project Managers can review company timesheets to more closely monitor time tracking for billing purposes.
1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.