Search for "filters" yielded 189 results
Setting Cross Project Dependencies
In the predecessors modal, you will see a dropdown in the top left where you can filter to another project.
Creating Custom Reports via Easy Insight
You can use the filters in the top left to refine your report, for example only including one project.
Working with the Reports Gallery
Filters You can search for reports based on title or creator using the search field at the top of the Reports area.
Working with the Companies View
You can use the Quick Search area to start typing any part of a company name, and the list will automatically be filtered with the results that match what you type.
Enabling on Your Site
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 is a cloud-based content management platform that enables you to store, share, and collaborate on files.
Using the My Work List View
Customizing list view Click the filters button ( ) at the top of the view to access additional settings where you can customize which items are shown.
Navigating the Android App
Use the filter option to search for a specific task name. Additionally you can: Tap a task name to open a full detailed view. Tap the circle to the left of a task name to complete a task.
Enabling the Google Team Drive Integration
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Google Team Drives are shared file storage spaces that enable you and your team to store and share files.
Enabling the SharePoint Integration for Your Site
✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 SharePoint is a web-based document management and storage system that enables you to share files and resources.
Installing the Extension in Visual Studio Code
If you do not yet have any folders or files created in Visual Studio Code, you will receive an error when attempting to click the Select Project for Repository option.
Adding Followers to Project Items
If you have a filter applied when attempting to bulk edit tasks, it will only bulk edit those tasks found via the filter, not all tasks on the project.
Financial and Utilization Insights Report
& materials : estimated billable time * billable rates Fixed fee budget : fixed fee amount Retainer : retainer fee Cost: (estimated logged time * cost rate) + expenses logged in advance Navigate and filter
My Calendar
. 💡 Use filters to hide subtasks from view. Repeat The task is part of a repeating task series. Active Hover over a task and click the checkmark to complete the task.
Enabling the OneDrive Integration on Your Site
Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 ✔ OneDrive for Business is available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 2 OneDrive is a file hosting and synchronization service that enables you to store and share files
Creating a New Google Document Through
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can create a new Google document directly from the files area of a project.
Using the Make Integration
Go to the Templates section of your Make account and use the search field in the top right to filter to both Teamwork and Slack . Select the template from the results list.
Creating and Managing Events in the Calendar
When a project is set, you can use the project filter in the calendar to view events based on their associated project.
Create and Manage Custom Fields
What Create custom fields to track, manage, and filter project, task, and client information that's unique to your business needs.
Working with the Home View in the Android App
Use the item filters at the top of the search results to view matching results for a specific item type such as tasks or comments. Click X to cancel the search.
Working with the Home View in the iOS App
Use the item filters at the top of the search results to view matching results for a specific item type such as tasks or comments. Click Cancel to return to the Home view.
Using Keyboard Shortcuts
multiple cards in a column SHIFT ↑ ↓ Board view - column shortcuts When you use the keyboard to navigate to a column you'll see it highlighted and you can use the following keyboard shortcuts: Edit Column e Filter
Task List Budgets
Filter: Click the filter button ( ) to refine the time logs shown based on associated teams, users, companies, or the time logs' billable/non-billable status.
Google Drive File Access Options
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Google Drive is a file storage platform that enables you to store, share and collaborate on files and folders.
Enabling the Google Drive Integration on Your Projects
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Google Drive is a file storage platform that enables you to store, share and collaborate on files and folders.
Enabling on Your Projects
Your files in your account will be available to link into the Files area, or to attach to a task, comment, or message in the project.