✔  Available on Scale subscriptions. 1 Request a demo
✔  Available on Scale subscriptions. 1

High-level dashboard highlighting key utilization, cost, revenue, and profit insights.
  • Track and analyze financial performance and team utilization.
  • Gain insights into which areas are most profitable and what is running over budget. 
  • Use historical and present data to inform future decisions.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can access the financial insights report and view project & profitability data for all of the site's projects and people.
Review financial insights monthly or quarterly to assess financial performance and identify trends. 
High-level dashboard highlighting key utilization, cost, revenue, and profit insights.
  • Track and analyze financial performance and team utilization.
  • Gain insight into which areas are most profitable and what is running over budget. 
  • Use historical and present data to inform future decisions.
  • Site admins (in the owner company) can access the financial insights report and view project & profitability data for all of the site's projects and people. 
Review the financial insights monthly or quarterly to assess financial performance and identify trends. 

View the financial insights report

  1. Select Reports in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu. If it's not pinned, you'll find Reports hidden under the ...More option
  2. Scroll to the Teamwork reports section.
  3. Select Financial & utilization insightsAlternatively, use the search field to locate the report.
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The insights report provides a dashboard view with a series of widgets displaying utilization, profitability, cost, and revenue. We discuss each widgets in the next sections on this page.

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Past utilization by user

What it does

Compares users' planned vs. billable utilization over a past period (months or custom).


Identify discrepancies and inefficiencies in planning and adjust accordingly, ultimately ensuring project profitability. Gain insight into under-utilized or overburdened team members, helping balance workloads and optimize overall productivity.


  • Total planned (estimated time) hours for each employee over the selected (previous) period.
  • Total billable hours logged for each employee over the selected (previous) period.


  • Planned (estimated) utilization: total planned hours / total available hours
  • Billable utilisation: total billable hours logged / total available hours

Forecasted utilization by user

What it does

Compares users' total vs. billable utilization for a future period (months or custom).


Facilitate better resource allocation and strategic planning.


  • Projected total available hours for each employee over the selected (future) period.
  • Projected billable hours for each employee over the selected (future) period.


  • Total utilization: estimated total hours per user.
  • Billable utilization: Looks at the project's and individual task lists' billable default settings.
    • Project (or task list) is billable by default — feeds into planned & billable figures.
    • Project (or task list) is non-billable by default — feeds into planned figures.

Past profitability for all clients

What it does

Compares projects' profitability based on budgets, cost rates, and tracked time, allowing you to track revenue generated vs. costs incurred.


Understand your business' financial performance and identify areas for cost optimization and revenue enhancements. Identify cost and revenue trends, facilitating better financial forecasting and planning.


  • Revenue generated each month of the selected (past) period.
  • Total costs incurred each month of the selected (past) period.


  • Revenue (depends on budget type):
    • Time & materials: billable time * billable rates
    • Fixed fee budget: fixed fee amount
    • Retainer: retainer fee
  • Cost: (logged time * cost rate) + expenses logged
  • Profitability: revenue – cost

Forecasted revenue & profitability for all clients

What it does

Compares projects' forecasted revenue and profitability for the selected (future) period.


Make informed strategic decisions to enhance financial performance and allocate resources effectively.


  • Projected revenue for each month of the selected (future) period.
  • Projected costs for each month of the selected (future) period.


  • Revenue (depends on budget type):
    • Time & materials: estimated billable time * billable rates
    • Fixed fee budget: fixed fee amount
    • Retainer: retainer fee
  • Cost: (estimated billable time * cost rate) + expenses logged in advance
  • Profitability: revenue – cost
  • Forecasted cost on tasks: billable tasks with estimated time * users' assigned cost rate
  • Forecast profitability: revenue – forecast cost on tasks

Top 10 projects over budget

What it does

Identifies the top 10 projects that most exceeded their budget (in terms of revenue) over the selected period.


Better visibility into biggest project overruns, empowering managers to improve project delivery, ensure profitability, and improve cost control to prevent future overspending.


  • Budget for each project.
  • Actual cost incurred for each project.
  • Revenue generated for each project.


  • Over budget: actual cost – budgeted cost

Forecasted cost vs. revenue for all clients

What it does

Compares projects' forecasted costs and revenue for the selected (future) period.


Make informed strategic decisions to enhance financial performance and allocate resources effectively. Understand profit opportunities and issues ahead of time and make any adjustments accordingly.


  • Projected revenue for each month of the selected (future) period.
  • Projected costs for each month of the selected (future) period.


  • Revenue (depends on budget type):
    • Time & materials: estimated billable time * billable rates
    • Fixed fee budget: fixed fee amount
    • Retainer: retainer fee
  • Cost: (estimated logged time * cost rate) + expenses logged in advance

Navigate and filter

View insights

Hover over a graph point or bar in a widget for exact data insights. 
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For utilization widgets, use the arrows (Image Placeholder) to navigate between pages of results.

Show/hide data 

Click the data keys at the bottom of a widget (ex. "Billable" or "Revenue) to show / hide that data point from that widget.


Each individual widget can be drilled down to different periods (last/next month, three months, six months, custom — options vary for each widget).
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1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Enterprise.