✔  Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions. 1

Within Teamwork.com, you can use the reports gallery to view Teamwork.com-generated reports and custom reports.

To access the reports gallery, click the More option in the main navigation menu and select Reports from the dropdown menu.

🔑 Users with project administrator permissions on at least one project can access the Reports gallery.

In the Reports area, you will have access to a series of Teamwork.com-generated reports. The reports available to you will depend on your subscription plan. 

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Teamwork reports

🔑 Teamwork reports are accessible to project admins (on at least one project) and site admins. Some reports (denoted below with *) are only available to site admins.

(and Pro)
(and Premium)
(and Enterprise)
Estimated time vs logged time per task

Logged time per project

Logged time per user

Task completion per user

Project health

Planned vs. Actual


Utilization *

Profitability *

(and Pro)
(and Premium)
(and Enterprise)
Estimated time vs logged time per task

Logged time per project

Logged time per user

Task completion per user

Project health

Planned vs. Actual


Utilization *

Profitability *

Custom reports

✔  Available on Grow (2 custom reports) and Scale (unlimited custom reports) subscriptions 2

An additional section of the Reports gallery allows you to create custom reports.

Scroll to the bottom of the Teamwork.com Reports section where you will see an option for Custom Reports. Click Create new report to get started with your first custom report.

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If your site has existing custom reports, these will be displayed in card view in the Custom Reports subsection of the reports gallery.

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You will also see Custom Reports as a heading in the left navigation panel of the gallery. Custom report type categories will be displayed below the heading once at least one report of that type exists.

Click the arrow to the left of a report type to show the corresponding list of individual custom reports.

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Clicking a report name in the list will take you directly to that report. Alternatively, click the report card in the gallery view.

Scheduled reports

✔  Available on Scale subscriptions 3

one of Teamwork.com's pre-built reports or one of your own custom reports to (either one at a time or at a regular cadence) to teammates that need it.

Scheduling can be done while viewing an individual report.


You can search for reports based on title or creator using the search field at the top of the Reports area. 

Using the sort options icon in the top right, you can sort the report data based on recently accessed, created date, report name, or report type.

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Using the source toggles, you can switch between viewing reports only created by you or reports created by everyone.

Note: This option will only be displayed if you are the creator of at least one report.

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1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.
2. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Premium, Enterprise.
3. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Enterprise.