Search for "gmail add-on" yielded 637 results
Completing and Reopening Tasks in List View
Within, you can complete and reopen tasks at any stage. Completing tasks Once a task has been created, you will have the option to mark it as complete.
Setting and Managing Unavailable Time in the Schedule (Legacy)
. ✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can set unavailable time for users for meetings, time off, and sick leave via the Schedule.
Connect Client Emails
clients and their email domains).
Working with the WYSIWYG Editor in Messages and Comments
Within, you can use the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor for messages and comments. Messages Clear formatting Formats.
Adding Contacts in the People Area
To add a new contact, select the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and choose People from the pop-out menu.
Within, you can use messages on your projects to discuss ideas as a team, post a question or suggestion, and everyone can add their reply to the thread.
Adding Users
The Add User option allows you to create an individual user on your site and populate all of their details without necessarily sending them an invitation .
Setting up SSO in Google Workspace
Note:’s SSO offering is part of the paid Advanced Security add-on which you can purchase in addition to your subscription.
Managing Similar Messages
Within, you can specify how you would like messages that are sent via email to be posted, and if you would like to group them based on the subject.
Update Your Subscription Payment Details
Display your company information on your subscription invoices. Add a dedicated company email address where subscription invoices should be sent.
Inviting People to Your Site
After adding the names and email addresses, you can select the company and user type for the new user(s).
Create an iCal Feed from to Google Calendar
To view the Calendar, click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select Calendar .
Setting Up SSO in Okta
Note:’s SSO offering is part of the paid Advanced Security add-on which you can purchase in addition to your subscription.
Viewing a Notebook (Beta)
Search for and select a project. Switch to the Notebooks section. Click a notebook title to open it in view mode.
Managing Forwarded Emails
When enabled, will: Try and detect if the message was forwarded Looks for signals in the subject such as FW, FWD etc Try and parse out the original message and discard any preceeding text
Proof Notifications
✔ Available (with limits ) on all per-user based subscriptions What Email and/or in-app notifications to keep everyone in the loop during the proofing process as proofs move from creation to review to
Within, your site contains all of your projects, project items, and people. It is accessed through your site address, usually in the form of
Viewing Project Details in the Dashboard
In the Dashboard tab, the project details pane is located on the left-hand side.
Adding Followers to Project Items
Click Add More to update the selection. Note: Notifying a user via email will also add them as a follower on the message as a default.
Requesting a Project Update
✔️ Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can request a project update from the owner of the project.
Import or Export Projects via Microsoft Project
✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 Microsoft Project is a project and portfolio management solution that enables you to develop schedules, assign resources, and track progress.
Using Shortcodes to Update Tasks
Shortcodes can be used in both List and Board views for tasks in your projects. Supported shortcodes # - Tag !
Time Approvals
✔️ Available on Scale subscriptions. What Review, edit, and approve your team's timesheets. Why Increase accountability of your team's logged time.
Adding a Site Logo
Within, you can add a custom logo to your site to be used in email notifications and your login screen.
Adding Tasks in List View
Within, you can create individual tasks in the task lists on your projects. To add a new task, go to the List area of your project.