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Choose a color theme for your Teamwork.com site.
  • Customize your site's look and feel.
  • Apply your theme to your site's login screen.
  • Site admins in the owner company
Any time you're looking for a change or wanting to align more closely with your own brand.
Customize your Teamwork.com site with a color theme.
  • Customize your site's look and feel.
  • Apply your theme to your site's login screen.
  • Site admins in the owner company
Any time you're looking for a change or are wanting to align more closely with your own brand.

Change your site's color theme

Manage your site's theme from the site settings.

  1. Click your profile image in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Settings from the pop-out menu.

    Image Placeholder
  3. Click the Color theme tab.

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  4. Select one of the colors from the color palette. Teamwork.com's navigation menu updates instantly (and temporarily) to give you a preview.

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  5. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Save Changes.
    2. Keep going: Apply the chosen color to your Teamwork.com site's login page.
      1. Toggle on Use this background color on login page, then click Save Changes.

Teamwork.com's main navigation menu is updated with your chosen color. If turned on, your login screen is also updated.