Search for "microsoft office add-in" yielded 635 results
Creating a Notebook (Beta)
Within, you can create notebooks in your projects as a way to store important project information and notes.
Enabling on Your Projects
✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 is a cloud-based content management platform that enables you to store, share, and collaborate on files.
Creating a Login Form on Your Website or Intranet
Within, you can add a login form to your own website or intranet for your site.
Manage Files on Tasks
Add files to a task Files can be attached to tasks in the Table , List , or Board view of your project. Want to save time? Add multiple files to a task at once.
Create a milestone Try in-app Click Jump to in's left navigation menu. Search for and select a project. Select the Milestones tab in the project navigation menu.
Installing the Document Editor
Click your profile avatar in the bottom left of your site and select My Apps from the pop-out menu.
Bulk Editing Subtasks
In the Table area of your project, click the options button (three dots) to the right of an existing parent task.
Advanced Dashboards
The bars will be grouped based on your selected preference (user, project, item type), and the bars will be sorted in order of most recent activity date .
Viewing Notebooks Across All Projects
Within, you can view all notebooks across all of your projects in the site-level Everything area.
Filtering - Projects List View
Click any of the dropdown fields in this menu to apply specific tags, project owners, health, and companies.
Portfolio Triggers
Who Site admins (in the owner company) can create and manage Portfolio boards, columns, and triggers.
Bulk Managing Companies
Bulk deleting companies Click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select People from the pop-out menu. When viewing the People area, select the Companies tab.
Editing File Privacy
Click the dropdown arrow to the right of the file name and choose Edit File Details from the dropdown menu. Click the privacy field to change in the file details modal to update the privacy settings.
Clients View
Click an individual client to see in-depth data (like activity, project health, and more) related to that client. TL;DR: A simple and organized place to view and manage your clients.
Create an Expense on a Project
When Create and expense when: Material goods related to the project were purchased and the cost should be accounted for.
Create a Task List
Who All site admins and project admins Standard users and client users with permission to: Add task lists (ability to create, edit, and delete task lists on the project) When First, create a project, then
Adding a Subteam
Note: Subteams are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above. When you are creating a team , you can make it a subteam by assigning a parent team to it in the Advanced tab.
Retainer Project Budgets
Who Site admins (in the owner company) can view, create, and manage budgets on all projects.
Quick set options available on hover include: Open the task details in a quick view panel on the right of the page.
Exporting an Invoice to FreshBooks Classic
FreshBooks is an accounting software that enables you to track invoices, expenses, and time. Within, you can choose to export an invoice in a project to your FreshBooks Classic account.
Enabling Two Way Sync with Easy Insight
Easy Insight is a cloud analytics platform that enables you to connect your cloud apps and create real time dashboards and reports.
Update Your Subscription Payment Details
Who Site owners and site administrators in the owner company When If you need to update your account to reflect up-to-date payment and company details.
Single Sign-on (SSO) Overview
Single sign-on (SSO) SSO is a session/user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple applications.
Select More in the main menu and hover over one of the items in the pop-up menu. Click the pin icon beside the item to pin it to the main menu.
Task List Options
Within, you can utilize a variety of options and settings for each task list on your project.