✔  Available on all subscriptions.

Manage users' profile permissions and access to site-level features.
  • Tailor permissions to meet each user's responsibilities and required contribution.
  • Assign only necessary access to individual users.
  • Site admins can manage all users' profile permissions.
    ⚠️ External company site admins cannot access site settings, change other site admins' associated company, or move external company users to the owner company.
  • Standard users with the profile permission to:
    • Manage people and companies (allows users to manage users, companies, and permissions).
Any time you're adding someone to your site or need to make changes to an existing user's permissions.
Manage users' profile permissions and access to site-level features.
  • Tailor permissions to meet each user's responsibilities and required contribution.
  • Assign only necessary access to individual users.
  • Site admins can manage all users' profile permissions.
    ⚠️ External company site admins cannot access site settings, change other site admins' associated company, or move external company users to the owner company.
  • Standard users with the profile permission to:
    • Manage people and companies (allows users to manage users, companies, and permissions).
Any time you're adding someone to your site or need to make changes to an existing user's permissions.

Manage a user's profile permissions

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Switch to the People subsection.
  3. Hover over the relevant user.
  4. Click the vertical ellipsis (Image Placeholder) on the user's far right.
  5. Select Edit.
  6. Switch to the Permissions tab. 
  7. Toggle on (or off) any permissions you want to assign (or remove).
    📝 Some permissions (ex. access project templates) expand to reveal an additional manage permission option once you enable the access permission.
  8. Click Update.

💡 You can also set an individual user's profile permissions when adding a new user to your site. When using the bulk invite option, you can apply site admin, manage users, and create projects permissions during the invite process. All permissions can be reviewed and updated once users are created.


Bulk set profile permissions

You can bulk update multiple users' profile permissions.
  • Permissions are only granted to users in line with their user type access rights (standard user, client user). Ex. If you're bulk updating permissions for a mix of user types, each permission is only applied to qualifying users.
  • Bulk permissions cannot be applied to:
    • Yourself
    • Collaborators
    • Users not yet invited to the site

Site-level People area

  1. Click People in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select the People tab.
  3. Check the box on each user's left. Select any relevant user you need to update.

  4. Select the lock icon from the floating menu at the bottom of the page.
  5. Select the checkmark beside each permission you want to grant.
    📝 Click the chevron (arrow) on a permission's left to view and manage its nested permissions.
  6. Select the beside each permission you want to revoke.

  7. Click Set permissions to apply the changes.
The selected permissions are applied to all of the selected users, overriding their previous permission settings.

Profile permissions

Grant the user site administrator privileges. This is the highest permission level you can grant.
  • Owner company users automatically inherit all listed profile permissions (except for automatic access to future projects).
  • External company users inherit some profile permissions automatically, while others can be enabled individually in addition to the admin permission.
    ⚠️ External company site admins cannot access site settings, change other site admins' associated company, or move external company users to the owner company.
Access project templates
Allows the user to view the site's project templatesIf the user also has permission to create projects, they can create projects from those templates.
- Manage project templates
Allows the user to create new project templates, save existing projects as templates, and edit existing templates.
Access resource scheduling  1
Allows the user to access the Planning area's Schedule section.
- Manage resource scheduling 1
Allows the user to create and manage user allocations in the Schedule.
Add projects
Allows the user to create new projects on the site. They are automatically added as a project administrator on projects they create.
Manage task templates
Allows the user to create new task list templates, manage existing templates, and save task lists/tasks as templates. They can access task templates from a task list's options menu or a task-based view's options menu (List, Table).
🔑 The user also needs permission to add tasks on the project.
Manage people and companies
Allows the user to invite users to the site, manage users, create & manage companies (or clients) / teams / roles, manage user profile permissions, and manage users' project access.
  • Owner company users have automatic view-only access to the site's People, Companies, Teams, and Roles areas, even without this permission.
Access the projects portfolio 2
Allows the user to access the Planning area's Portfolio view.
  • Owner company users have automatic view-only access to this feature so do not have it as an individual permission option.
- Manage the projects portfolio 2
Allows the user to manage Portfolio boards. They can create / remove boards and columns, and edit board & column properties (name, color, triggers).das
🔑 The ability to add projects to boards/columns or move projects between columns requires project admin or site admin permissions.
Manage custom fields 3
Allows the user to access the site settings Custom Fields subsection, where they can view, create, edit, and delete custom fields. They can access the area via the Site Settings option in their profile menu — Custom Fields is the only settings section they can access.
Access the calendar
Allows the user to access the site's Calendar view.
Automatic access to future projects
Automatically add the user to each new project created on the site.
Create custom reports 4
Allows the user to create custom reports via the site's Reports area. The user must also be a site admin or be a project admin on at least one project.
🔑 The user must also be a site admin or be a project admin on at least one project.
Manage time reminders 5
Allows the user to access the site settings Time Reminders subsection and create and manage automated & manual time reminders.
Grant the user site administrator privileges. This is the highest permission level you can grant.
  • Owner company users automatically inherit all listed profile permissions (except for automatic access to future projects).
  • External company users inherit some profile permissions automatically, while others can be enabled individually in addition to the admin permission.
    ⚠️ External company site admins cannot access site settings, change other site admins' associated company, or move external company users to the owner company.
Access project templates
Allows the user to view the site's project templatesIf the user also has permission to create projects, they can create projects from those templates.
- Manage project templates
Allows the user to create new project templates, save existing projects as templates, and edit existing templates.
Access resource scheduling  1
Allows the user to access the Planning area's Schedule section.
- Manage resource scheduling 1
Allows the user to create and manage user allocations in the Schedule.
Add projects
Allows the user to create new projects on the site. They are automatically added as a project administrator on projects they create.
Manage task templates
Allows the user to create new task list templates, manage existing templates, and save task lists/tasks as templates. They can access task templates from a task list's options menu or a task-based view's options menu (List, Table).
🔑 The user also needs permission to add tasks on the project.
Manage people and companies
Allows the user to invite users to the site, manage users, create & manage companies (or clients) / teams / roles, manage user profile permissions, and manage users' project access.
  • Owner company users have automatic view-only access to the site's People, Companies, Teams, and Roles areas, even without this permission.
Access the projects portfolio 2
Allows the user to access the Planning area's Portfolio view.
  • Owner company users have automatic view-only access to this feature so do not have it as an individual permission option.
- Manage the projects portfolio 2
Allows the user to manage Portfolio boards. They can create / remove boards and columns, and edit board & column properties (name, color, triggers).das
🔑 The ability to add projects to boards/columns or move projects between columns requires project admin or site admin permissions.
Manage custom fields 3
Allows the user to access the site settings Custom Fields subsection, where they can view, create, edit, and delete custom fields. They can access the area via the Site Settings option in their profile menu — Custom Fields is the only settings section they can access.
Access the calendar
Allows the user to access the site's Calendar view.
Automatic access to future projects
Automatically add the user to each new project created on the site.
Create custom reports 4
Allows the user to create custom reports via the site's Reports area. The user must also be a site admin or be a project admin on at least one project.
🔑 The user must also be a site admin or be a project admin on at least one project.
Manage time reminders 5
Allows the user to access the site settings Time Reminders subsection and create and manage automated & manual time reminders.
1. Schedule is available on Grow (& Premium) and Scale (& Enterprise) subscriptions. The People-based view is available on Scale (& Enterprise) subscriptions.
2. Portfolio is available on Starter, Deliver (& Pro), Grow (& Premium) and Scale (& Enterprise) subscriptions.
3. Custom fields are available on per-user based subscriptions.
4. Custom reports are available on Grow (& Premium) and Scale (& Enterprise) subscriptions.
5. Time reminders are available on Grow (& Premium) and Scale (& Enterprise) subscriptions. 

Permission exceptions

📖 Learn more about the full scope of user permissions & site access.


  • Can only be granted the automatic access to future projects permission.

Client users

  • Cannot be granted any profile permissions.
  • Get access to the Calendar automatically.
  • Cannot become a site administrator.

Best practices

  • Grant permissions mindfully: Each user has a role to play — focus on giving them only the necessary permissions to do their work.