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Tasks are for individual to-do items. They're the most granular of Teamwork.com's three main work items and they're a powerhouse. Tasks are also how you track data related to work, like: who is responsible for getting something done, when, how long it's taken, etc.
  • Track and add key work data to increase visibility and streamline processes.
  • Capture all work to get a clear picture of what you (or your team) need to get done.
  • All site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with permission to:
    • Add tasks (ability to create new tasks, edit tasks they create or are assigned to, and edit unassigned tasks)
    • Edit all tasks (ability to edit tasks assigned to other users)
Create a new task for each piece of work required on your project.
  • Example: Create a task named "Generate client contract" and assign it to the client manager.
  • Example: On a project for launching a new brand campaign, create tasks for each item necessary to carry out the campaign.
Tasks are for individual to-do items. They're the most granular of Teamwork.com's three main work items and they're a powerhouse. Tasks are also how you track data related to work, like: who is responsible for getting something done, when, how long it's taken, etc.
  • Track and add key work data to increase visibility and streamline processes.
  • Capture all work to get a clear picture of what you (or your team) need to get done.
  • All site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with permission to:
    • Add tasks (ability to create new tasks, edit tasks they create or are assigned to, and edit unassigned tasks)
    • Edit all tasks (ability to edit tasks assigned to other users)
Create a new task for each piece of work required on your project.
  • Example: Create a task named "Generate client contract" and assign it to the client manager.
  • Example: On a project for launching a new brand campaign, create tasks for each item necessary to carry out the campaign.
🎓 Learn in-app: Create a task

Before you start

Tasks are added to a task list within a project. You can't create a task unless it belongs to a task list.

💡 There are multiple ways to view tasks in your projects: List, Table, Board, Gantt. Choose the one that best fits your workflow.

Add a task

These steps showcase Table view:
  1. Click Jump to in the main navigation and select a project.
    Image Placeholder
  2. Switch to the Table tab. Table might be hidden under the More... section.
  3. Select a task list heading from the left navigation menu.
  4. Click + Add a task at the bottom of the list.
  5. Type your task's name. Try starting the task's title with a verb! That'll keep things focused on what needs to get done.
  6. Press Enter to create the task.


  7. Click the assignee avatar and choose the person responsible for completing the task. Multiple people responsible for getting something done? Assign multiple people or even a team.
  8. Click the due date field and set a deadline for the task.
  9. Next:
    1. Stop there: You've done everything you need to.
    2. Level up: Add powerful (and helpful) task properties (see the table below).

Task properties

Choose the person (or people) responsible for completing the task.

You can even select teams or companies!
Start date
Set a start date for when work should begin.
Due date
Set a due date for when work should be completed.
Add a brief description to outline the purpose and requirements of the task.
Attach any relevant files that may be a helpful reference (things like designs, requirements, contracts, etc.)

You can also attach any newly created materials when you finish working on the task!
Set a priority (low, medium, or high) to help track urgent work.
Estimated time
Estimate the time required to complete the task. This is crucial if you want to dive into resource management and use the Workload.
Update the task's progress percentage as work is carried out.
Include project members as followers so that they receive updates about task changes.
Categorize the task by applying tags.
Create dependencies to signal when the task should be worked on in relation to other tasks.
Set a repeating interval for recurring work. When one task is completed, the next task in the sequence is created.
Restrict task access to key stakeholders.
Schedule reminders to be sent as the task's due date approaches.
Board column
Use board columns to designate a status or phase to the task.
Custom fields
Use custom fields to track unique details about the work.
Choose the person (or people) responsible for completing the task.

You can even select teams or companies!
Start date
Set a start date for when work should begin.
Due date
Set a due date for when work should be completed.
Add a brief description to outline the purpose and requirements of the task.
Attach any relevant files that may be a helpful reference (things like designs, requirements, contracts, etc.)

You can also attach any newly created materials when you finish working on the task!
Set a priority (low, medium, or high) to help track urgent work.
Estimated time
Estimate the time required to complete the task. This is crucial if you want to dive into resource management and use the Workload.
Update the task's progress percentage as work is carried out.
Include project members as followers so that they receive updates about task changes.
Categorize the task by applying tags.
Create dependencies to signal when the task should be worked on in relation to other tasks.
Set a repeating interval for recurring work. When one task is completed, the next task in the sequence is created.
Restrict task access to key stakeholders.
Schedule reminders to be sent as the task's due date approaches.
Board column
Use board columns to designate a status or phase to the task.
Custom fields
Use custom fields to track unique details about the work.

Another option...

You can also create a task from the following places:
  • A project's ListBoard, or Gantt views. Views change how you see (and interact) with tasks. Switch between views depending on what you need.
  • The + Quick Add menu
  • My Work
  • Via email

Best practices

  • Create as you go: Create a task for each manageable piece of work within a task list. For even more granularity, use subtasks.
  • Guarantee visibility: Delegate tasks to the right people, creating a clear picture of responsibilities.
  • Get the basics in: Add start and end dates, along with a task assignee, to ensure everyone knows basic task details.
  • Organize: Use task lists to group tasks into relevant subsets of work (e.g. based on department).

Elevate your tasks

  • Efficiency: Create task list templates (i.e. templates made up of tasks!) if processes regularly require the same set of tasks.
  • Automation: Save time by automating steps in your workflow. You don't need to update key details as tasks progress. Teamwork.com can do that for you.
  • Resource management: Add key task data (dates and assignees) to be able to schedule and manage work.
  • Reporting: Apply tags to tasks, then report on tasks based on tag criteria.