Within Teamwork.com, you can follow various project items as well as add other users as followers.
When creating a task, you can set people to follow it via the Followers tab of the task form.

To update the followers of an existing task, hover over the task to reveal the task options and hover over the eye icon. Click the Follow option to add yourself as a follower of the task or click Manage to manage all followers.

When searching for users to add as followers, you can either scroll through the list, or use the search field at the top of the modal. You can use the checkbox to the left of a company name to select all users from that company. In the Teams tab, you can also select entire teams to add as followers.

When managing followers, you can select who should follow the task and choose which notifications they should receive: all notifications, only task changes, or only comments.

Setting default followers
You can also choose to set default followers for new tasks added to a task list. Hover over the task list name and click the three dots to the right of the task list name. Choose Edit List from the dropdown menu.

Go to the Defaults tab of the Edit List modal and click the Edit button in the Defaults for new tasks section.

Hover over the More tab and select Followers from the dropdown menu. Use the checkboxes to select individual project members, companies, or companies to be set as default followers of new tasks in the list.

You can also choose to follow tasks yourself. Hover over the eye icon on any task you have the permissions to view. Hover over the Follow option in the pop-up to reveal the follow options. Using the toggles, you can then choose to receive change or comment notifications or mute notifications for the task.

To bulk edit the followers for a group of tasks, click the options button in the top right of the List or Table area and select Bulk Edit Tasks. You can also do this when bulk editing tasks across multiple projects.
If you have a filter applied when attempting to bulk edit tasks, it will only bulk edit those tasks found via the filter, not all tasks on the project.

Use the checkboxes to the left of each task to select the ones to be updated, then click the Next button to choose which task properties to update.
Note: You can only bulk set followers for active members of the selected projects.

When updating the follower options, you can choose individuals, teams, and companies. You can add to the existing followers, remove some existing followers, or use the Remove All option in the dropdown.

When creating a new message you can choose to notify users via email. If the project's default notify setting for messages is set to notify everyone by default, this will be noted under the message area and you can click Edit on the right to change the selected people.

If the default notify setting is disabled, nobody will be selected by default and you can click Select People to choose individual users, companies, or teams to be notified.

When you are replying to an existing message thread, any users notified in the previous reply will automatically be selected. Click Add More to update the selection.

Note: Notifying a user via email will also add them as a follower on the message as a default.
You can also choose to follow a message that has already been created. Select the message and choose the Follow option to the top right.

Notifications on messages differ from other areas, offering all or nothing options for following.
To follow an existing notebook, go to the Notebooks area of your project and select the relevant notebook. While viewing the notebook, select the Follow option in the top right. You can then select your notification preference.

When creating a new notebook you can choose to notify users which will also add them as followers to the notebook. If the project's default notify setting for notebooks is set to notify everyone by default, this will be noted under the message area and you can click Edit on the right to change the selected people.

If the default notify setting is disabled, nobody will be selected by default and you can click Select People to choose individual users, companies, or teams to be notified.

If a subset of users are selected on an existing notebook, you can click Add More to update the selection when editing the notebook.

Note: Notifying a user via email will also add them as a follower on the notebook as default.
If you would like to be notified that you have been added as a follower on a project item then you can enable this from your preferences.
These can be found by clicking on your profile icon to the top right and selecting Edit My Details. You can then select the preferences tab and toggle Receive added as a follower emails on.

The notifications that you choose to receive are sent via email. Notifications related to what you are following will not show in the bell icon notification area.
When you add yourself as a follower you will not receive an email to confirm, you will only receive one if added by another user so that you are aware of it.
For more information, see: Creating a Task List