Search for "privacy" yielded 116 results
Changing General Project Settings
Default Privacy: This setting can be changed from 'Open' to 'Owner Company' to set the default privacy for all new items added to the project (this applies to items other than tasks, such as files, notebooks
Adding a Message via Email
Options Add notify+ to notify all people on the project of the message e.g: Add private+ to post a private message to just members of the owner company e.g: private
Setting up SSO in Google Workspace
YOUR_INSTALLATION_URL/singlesignon/v1/saml/acs Entity ID: https://YOUR_INSTALLATION_URL/ Start URL: https://YOUR_INSTALLATION_URL/launchpad/saml/start Name ID format: TRANSIENT Name ID: Basic Information > Primary
Adding Files via Email
Additional email options You can append private+ to the email address to make the files private You can specify which category to add the file to. In the subject line add [#My Category].
Events can be company wide, visible to anyone with access to the calendar, project specific, or private to you. Note: Collaborators cannot access the calendar.
Creating a New Google Document Through
An additional modal will open allowing you to set a category and privacy as well as manage the Google Drive access rights for the document.
Companies - Owner and External
Companies provide a way to group people together which you can then leverage in project item assignment as well as privacy, notify, and follower settings.
Viewing Notebooks Across All Projects
Edit details: you can edit the title and description of your notebook, and change who is notified of changes, the category and privacy options.
Add a Site Administrator
They also override the privacy set on individual project items, therefore have visibility over all items.
- Feature Comparison
100,000 - Actions per automation 1 Multiple Multiple Multiple Intake forms ✗ Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited - Form branding ✗ ✗ ✔ ✔ Projects Portfolio boards ✗ 1 Unlimited Unlimited - Portfolio board privacy
Filter the Calendar
. ⚠️ Private events associated with the selected projects are included, while private events associated with a company or user are not shown, when project filtering is applied.
Time Report
Each top-level row of the report shows the total (in hours) for your chosen primary group.
Printing a Task List
The Include tab allows you to choose whether to include logged time, estimated time, comments or private items. Note: Comments cannot be included in the Excel export.
Using the Gmail Add-on on iOS
You can also set estimated time, due date, priority, privacy, and include the email itself in the task.
Project Notification Settings
Default notify settings for private items In this section, it's possible to set up an automatic notification that will be sent when an item is made private.
Backups and Storage
Amazon S3 provides a highly durable storage infrastructure designed for mission-critical and primary data storage.
Copying or Moving a Task
Privacy settings are copied to the new task. Any time logs, comments, project-specific items, and custom fields associated with the task will not be copied over to the new task.
Uploading and Viewing Versions of a File
Change the file privacy: Note: This will affect all versions of the file. Update the file description.
Using the Gmail Add-on
You can also set estimated time, due date, priority, privacy, and include the email itself in the task.
Manage User Project Permissions
Can set privacy on items Allow the user to make individual project items (ex. tasks, milestones, files) private to a subset of the project's members.
Uploading Files in the Files Area
You can also select a category to add the files to, choose who to notify, and set privacy on the files. You can also add a description for the file.
Workload Planner Overview
You have permission to view them (aka they're assigned to projects you're a member of and you're included in the privacy). 🔑 Only users with permission to create tasks on a project can add task (for that
Adding Observers to a Project
Within, you can add people to projects as observers , giving them project access without making them primary participants.
User Permissions and Access
✔ ✗ View Project Budget 5 ✔ ✔ ✗ - Manage Project Budget ✔ ✔ ✗ - View Project Budget Profitability 6 ✔ ✔ ✗ View Hourly Rates 7 ✔ ✔ ✗ - Edit Hourly Rates ✔ ✔ ✗ Manage Project's Custom Fields ✔ ✔ ✗ Set Privacy
Enabling on Your Projects
You will be able to set a file category and privacy before uploading the file. Note: Files added using the integration will include the integration below the file name.