✔️  Applies to all Teamwork Desk accounts

Teamwork automatically archives solved and closed tickets that have not been interacted with for 120 days.
Archiving tickets improves the loading time for inboxes and custom views, especially ones containing large quantities of inactive tickets.
Teamwork automatically archives solved and closed tickets that have not been interacted with for 120 days.
Archiving tickets improves the loading time for inboxes and custom views, especially ones containing large quantities of inactive tickets.

💡 Only tickets in Solved or Closed status are archived. To prevent specific tickets from being archived, change them to an alternative status.

Access archived tickets

You can access archived tickets in a variety of ways (outlined below) in your Teamwork Desk account.

⚠️ It is not possible to unarchive an archived ticket. Archived tickets are read-only and cannot be updated.

Access a ticket directly via its unique URL.


Search results
Search for tickets based on ticket subject, body content, or customer email. Archived tickets matching your search are included in the Tickets tab of the search results.

Archived tickets are included in reporting results.

Agent profile
An agent's archived tickets are included in the Tickets tab of the agent's profile.

Customer profile
A customer's archived tickets are included in the associated tickets list in the Overview tab of the customer's profile.

Customer history
Archived tickets are displayed in a ticket's Customer History tab.

Company profile
A company's archived tickets are included in the company profile's Tickets tab.

Customer Portal
Customers can access a read-only version of their archived tickets in their Customer Portal account.

Data export
Archived tickets are included in individual data exports except Tickets and Help Docs.

API endpoints
Teamwork Desk's v2 API returns archived tickets.

API options for archived tickets:

Access a ticket directly via its unique URL.


Search results
Search for tickets based on ticket subject, body content, or customer email. Archived tickets matching your search are included in the Tickets tab of the search results.

Archived tickets are included in reporting results.

Agent profile
An agent's archived tickets are included in the Tickets tab of the agent's profile.

Customer profile
A customer's archived tickets are included in the associated tickets list in the Overview tab of the customer's profile.

Customer history
Archived tickets are displayed in a ticket's Customer History tab.

Company profile
A company's archived tickets are included in the company profile's Tickets tab.

Customer Portal
Customers can access a read-only version of their archived tickets in their Customer Portal account.

Data export
Archived tickets are included in individual data exports except Tickets and Help Docs.

API endpoints
Teamwork Desk's v2 API returns archived tickets.

API options for archived tickets:


Limitations relating to archived tickets are outlined in the following table.
Custom views
Archived tickets are not returned in results for custom views.

Triggers do not run on archived tickets.

Merging tickets
Archived tickets cannot be merged.

Solved / Closed tickets list views
Archived tickets are not shown when viewing lists of solved or closed tickets.

Trash can
Archived tickets which are deleted bypass the trash can. They cannot be restored.

API endpoints
Teamwork Desk's v1 API does not return archived tickets.

Custom views
Archived tickets are not returned in results for custom views.

Triggers do not run on archived tickets.

Merging tickets
Archived tickets cannot be merged.

Solved / Closed tickets list views
Archived tickets are not shown when viewing lists of solved or closed tickets.

Trash can
Archived tickets which are deleted bypass the trash can. They cannot be restored.

API endpoints
Teamwork Desk's v1 API does not return archived tickets.

📩 Need help? Please contact our Customer Care team (support@teamwork.com) for assistance.