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Within Teamwork Desk, you can view and interact with individual tickets across your inboxes.

View tickets

  1. Select Tickets from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.

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  2. Scroll to the Inboxes subsection of the left navigation panel.
  3. Click the relevant inbox. 
    1. The tickets associated with the inbox are grouped based on their current status in a horizontal navigation menu at the top of the view — only statuses containing tickets are displayed.

  4. Click a ticket to open the individual ticket thread. We'll go through the individual ticket view in the next section.

Individual ticket view

The ticket thread is shown in the main page area.
  • The ticket's advanced options are displayed in a panel on the thread's right.
  • The site's inbox navigation panel is accessible on the thread's left. 

The ticket's subject line remains fixed at the top of the ticket, even when scrolling through the full thread.

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Ticket options

When viewing a ticket, you can interact with the thread itself as well as the properties of the ticket. These options include:

Navigate the ticket thread

  • Jump to: When a ticket has multiple replies, you will see a Jump to option allowing you to quickly move to the bottom or top of the thread depending on your current position.
  • Minimize replies: You can collapse an individual reply or note in the Messages tab by clicking in the reply area. Click it again to reopen the reply. Use the arrow in the thread's top right to collapse or expand all replies.

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  • Hide activity: Click Hide activity in the thread's top right to hide activity entries from the thread. Click Show activity to display them again.
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For more information, see: Ticket Options and Settings