Within Teamwork Desk, you can view individual profiles for each company you create.

Note: The Overview section of the company profile is available on Premium plans and above. The Time section is available on Pro plans and above.

Go to the People area of your site and select the Companies subsection.

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From the list of companies, click the relevant company to open the company's profile view.

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In the details pane on the left of the company profile, you will see any company details that have been added, such as contact information, Customer Portal permissions for customers, and associated domains.

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You can also edit the company details in in the top right of the profile view by clicking Edit company.

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The company details pane and edit button are visible across all subsections of the company profile.


In the Customers subsection, you will see a list of the customers currently associated with the company. Click the text to the right of the magnifying glass in the top left to enter a keyword and search for a specific customer.

Customer details shown include customer name, email, company, total number of tickets, and their Customer Portal access. You can use the customize columns option in the top right of the list to select which customer properties you want to view as columns.

Additional options in the top right of the Customers tab include:

  • Add customer - select existing customers to add to the company or create a new customer.
  • Import - import a list of customers via CSV file.
  • Filters - filter the list of customers by date joined.
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You can click any of the customers in the list to bring you to the customer's profile where you can edit their details and view their ticket history.


In the Tickets area, you will see a list of the tickets currently associated with members of the company. At the top, you will see a count of the total number of tickets within the company. You can click any of the tickets in the list to bring you to directly to the ticket thread.

Click the text to the right of the magnifying glass in the top left to enter a search term and search your tickets.

Ticket details shown include customer, subject, status, type, and priority. You can use the customize columns option in the top right of the list to select which ticket properties you want to view as columns.

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Additional filter options can be accessed via the filters button in the top right of the Tickets tab. These include inbox, assigned agent, tags, and last updated date.

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Site administrators can view all time entries agents have logged across all tickets associated with the company.

Note: The profile Time tab is available on Pro subscription plans and above.

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In the Overview area, you will see a summary of statistics for the company's customers, along with tickets associated with any happiness ratings received.

Note: The profile Overview tab is available on Premium subscription plans and above.

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The summary displays:

  • Number of customers 
  • Number of tickets
  • Number of replies sent
  • Average response time
  • Average resolution time
  • First response time
  • Happiness chart