Within Teamwork Desk, you can export data such as customers, tickets, help docs, and agents.
Note: All data is exported as a ZIP file which extracts to a .JSON file.
To export your data, click your profile icon to the top right of the main navigation bar and choose Settings from the dropdown.

In the Settings area, go to the General tab and select Export Data from the left sidebar.

To the top right of the page you will see an option to export. Select this to choose the export option you would like from the dropdown menu.

Once you select an option, the export will begin and a message will appear to indicate that you will be notified when the download completes.

Depending on your selection, and the amount of data being exported, the time for completion can vary.
Once the export is complete it will appear in the Export Data area, listed along with any previous exports.
You will see the export type, status, and export date, along with a download option on the right-hand side.

Note: When exporting customers, customers with tickets marked as spam will be excluded.
If data exports are disabled in your site's advanced security settings, you will not be able to generate exports in this area.

For more information, see: Understanding Reports