Within Teamwork Desk, you can use an agent's profile to gain insight into their performance and activity.
Note: Only site administrators can view other agents' profiles.
In the People area of your site, go to the Agents subsection and select the agent whose profile you wish to view.

When viewing an agent's profile, you can access multiple areas such as overview statistics, tickets, and activity.

In the Overview section, you will be able to view some insights into the agent's ticket handling and performance.

You can change the date range for the performance breakdown using the dropdown in the top right corner. You can choose from last 7 days, last 14 days, or last month.
The Performance Overview breakdown shows:
- Customers helped - how many individual customers the agent has interacted with and responded to.
- Tickets solved - how many of the agent's tickets they have marked as solved.
- Replies sent - how many individual replies the agent has sent across their tickets.
- Average happiness - average happiness percentage based on happiness surveys received for the agent.
- First response time - average time it takes the agent to send their initial response to customers.
- Resolution time - average time it takes the agent to resolve their tickets.
The Tickets Solved section will show you a graph of the agent's tickets, replies and first response time over the selected time period.

At the bottom of the Overview tab, you can view the agent's happiness ratings and their corresponding tickets.

You can view a list of the inboxes the agent has access to in the Inboxes tab. When hovering over an inbox, you will see an X to the right, allowing you to revoke the agent's access.

Any inboxes the agent does not have access to will be listed at the bottom. You can use the + icon to the left to add the agent to the inbox.
The Tickets area shows a history of all tickets assigned to the agent across all ticket statuses.
You can sort this ticket list by customer, subject, ID, created date, updated date, and status.
You can also filter the results by:
- Last Updated - select date
- Inboxes
- Company
- Tags
- Statuses
Help Docs
In the Help Docs subsection, you can view a list of all individual Help Docs articles the agent has created across your Help Docs sites.

You can sort by title, status, relevance, popularity, and last updated.
Filter options include:
- Last updated
- Help Docs site
- Statuses
In the Activity section, you will see a timeline of the agent's activity across tickets on your site within the last 24 hours.

Each activity includes the activity type, a link to the associated ticket, the corresponding inbox, and the time the activity occurred.
You can filter this area by activity type using the filter pane in the top right corner.
Different activities include viewing a ticket, changing a ticket status, adding a note, or deleting a ticket.
For more information, see: Working with the Agents Area