Search for "gmail add-on" yielded 641 results

  • Viewing Project Updates History
    ✔️ Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can view a full list of project updates that have been set on your project.
  • Track Time with Timers
    Who Standard users and client users with the project permission (on at least one project): Log time (allows users to track time to the project and its tasks using any time tracking method) When Any time
  • Notifications Are Not Showing for My Site
    For more information, see: Email Notification Issues
  • Bulk Managing Teams
    Within, you can bulk manage teams and their individual members. Note: These bulk actions are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
  • Editing File Privacy
    By default, file privacy will be set to Everybody on the project .
  • New Task Details View
    Update key work data as a project's tasks progress to increase visibility and provide context. Who Site admins can view and manage all tasks on all projects.
  • Resource Schedule Introduction (BETA)
    . ✔️ Available on Grow (with limits) and Scale subscriptions. See the "Schedule feature access" section below for more information.
  • Bulk Managing Companies
    Within, you can bulk edit companies and their individual members. Note: These bulk actions are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
  • Setting Up SSO in Microsoft Azure
    Within, you can integrate your account with Azure Active Directory and set up single sign-on (SSO).
  • Use File Attachments with Forms
    ✔️ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 What You can add a file attachments option to intake forms on your projects, allowing the person submitting a form response to include
  • Categories
    ✔ Available on all subscriptions What Custom identifiers you can use to group projects and project items. Categories can be applied to: projects, files, messages, links, and notebooks.
  • Interacting with the Project Options Menu
    In any area containing a list of projects, such as the projects chart or list view , hover over the project name and click the three dots on the right to open the project options menu.
  • Beta Program - My Boards
    Within the Beta Program, you can enable the My Boards feature for users on your owner company or all users on your site.
  • Projects List View
    Click the Projects option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select the List tab.
  • Editing a Team
    Within, you can edit and manage existing teams on your site via the site-level People area. Note: Teams are available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions.
  • Working with Dashboards
    ✔ Available on all subscriptions Within, you can build custom dashboard views using different metrics based on certain projects and project items.
  • Adding or Editing a Company
    Within, you can create external companies to group certain users on your site.
  • Project Budget Expenses
    ✔ Available on Grow and Scale subscriptions 1 What Create budget expenses to account for additional one-off project costs (e.g. costs not related to hours worked).
  • Manage Tasks in New List View
    Update key work data as projects progress to increase visibility and provide context. Who Site admins (in the owner company) can view and manage all tasks on all projects.
  • Working with the Schedule People View
    ✔ Available on Scale subscriptions 1 Within, you can use the Schedule's People area to view and manage the allocations assigned to individual users. 
  • Bulk Editing Tasks in a Task List
    In the Bulk Edit Tasks modal, you can select an action to perform on the tasks: Modify, move, copy, complete, delete.
  • Filtering - Projects List View
    Click any of the dropdown fields in this menu to apply specific tags, project owners, health, and companies.
  • Editing Event Types
    Note: To add or edit event types, you will need to be a site administrator. Click the More option in the main navigation menu and select Calendar from the pop-out menu.
  • Manage Forms
    ✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 What View and manage existing intake forms on your projects.
  • Creating Custom Reports via Easy Insight
    If you are setting up a Tree report, you can create new tasks from task lists, add comments to tasks, and create milestones on projects.