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Create automations to automatically update task properties when a task's associated board column changes or create automations to move tasks to a particular column when other task details change.
  • Save time by automating steps in your workflow. 
    Read: You don't need to remember to update tasks' board columns or manually update key details as tasks move through the board columns. Teamwork.com can do that for you.
  • Streamline communication by using 'notify' triggers when tasks move to a key phase (i.e. column).
  • Site admins and standard users in the owner company
You use Board view to manage your work schedule. Each column represents a key phase of your process and you have tasks (i.e. cards) for each piece of work.

  • Notifications for reviewers: Add an automation that sends a custom notification to reviewers when a task is moved to a "Content Review" column.
  • Autocomplete tasks: Add an automation to autocomplete tasks that are moved to a "Published" column.
Create automations to automatically update task properties when a task's associated board column changes or create automations to move tasks to a particular column when other task details change.
  • Save time by automating steps in your workflow. 
    Read: You don't need to remember to update tasks' board columns or manually update key details as tasks move through the board columns. Teamwork.com can do that for you.
  • Streamline communication by using 'notify' triggers when tasks move to a key phase (i.e. column).
  • Site admins and standard users in the owner company
You use Board view to manage your work schedule. Each column represents a key phase of your process and you have tasks (i.e. cards) for each piece of work.

  • Notifications for reviewers: Add an automation that sends a custom notification to reviewers when a task is moved to a "Content Review" column.
  • Autocomplete tasks: Add an automation to autocomplete tasks that are moved to a "Published" column.

Automation flow

Use Board columns in any of an automation's building blocks:
  • Trigger event: Build automations to take action when tasks move to a specific board column.
  • Conditions: Refine trigger events based on whether tasks' board columns are set.
  • Action: Build automations to move tasks to a particular column when other task events occur.

Use case
When this happens
and these conditions are true
perform these actions
Tag tasks
Board column changes to "In Progress"
no conditions
Apply "Writing" tag
Prioritize overdue tasks
Board column changes to "Review"
Due date has passed
Set priority to high
Alert the team on due dates
Due date arrives
Progress is 90%
Priority is high
Move task to "Review" column
Notify "Marketing" team
Update board phase on start dates
Start date arrives
Board column is not set
Move task to "In Progress" column
Use case
When this happens
and these conditions are true
perform these actions
Tag tasks
Board column changes to "In Progress"
no conditions
Apply "Writing" tag
Prioritize overdue tasks
Board column changes to "Review"
Due date has passed
Set priority to high
Alert the team on due dates
Due date arrives
Progress is 90%
Priority is high
Move task to "Review" column
Notify "Marketing" team
Update board phase on start dates
Start date arrives
Board column is not set
Move task to "In Progress" column

Board column automation options

Use board column in any of an automation's components (trigger, condition, or action).
We'll show you what happens depending on where you use board column.

Trigger: Board column changes

What it does: When a task is moved to a specific board column, then the designated action occurs.

What you need to specify:
  • Project
  • Board column
📝 The Board column changes trigger can only be used with one project.

Condition: Board column

What it does: When the trigger event occurs AND the task's board column meets the condition, then the specified action occurs. You're using board column as an additional condition for the trigger event.

Conditions you can choose from for task's board column:
  • Is any of
  • Is not any of
  • Is set
  • Is not set
📝 The Board column condition can only be used when the trigger event is applied to one project.

Action: Move to board column

What it does: When the trigger event occurs, then a task is moved to a specific board column.
What you need to specify:
  • Project
  • Board column (move tasks to this column)

📝 You can't use the Board column changes trigger with the Move to board column action (because you'd be moving a task just to have it automatically moved again).

Create Board column automation

In this section, we'll go through two creation flows: one uses board column as the trigger event while the other uses board column as the action.

Automations with board triggers

Trigger an automation when tasks are moved to a specific project column.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Click Automate in the project's top right.
  4. Select the Board column category in the Browse tab.
  5. Click a template card. Alternatively, click Custom Automation to build an automation from scratch.

    📝 Board column changes is populated as the Trigger in the When section. This is the event that'll prompt the corresponding action(s) to occur.
  6. Select a board columnThe automation will only run when tasks are moved to the chosen column.
    📝 Board columns are project specific. The board column changes trigger can only be applied to one project per automation. The board column dropdown is populated with the existing columns in the currently selected project.
    Image Placeholder
  7. Choose which project the trigger should pay attention to (i.e. only trigger events in this project will activate the automation). By default, the current project is selected.
  8. Click + add condition below the When section to refine your trigger with additional criteria. This one's optional but offers exciting possibilities if you want to explore.
  9. Select (or review) the Action in the Then section and change if necessary. This is the action that'll happen when a task is moved to the trigger column.
    📝 Notify and assignee actions only take effect for selected users who are members of the associated project.
  10. Use fields to refine the action event.
    💡 In some cases, you can combine static text with dynamic text fields to customize content fields such as comments, messages, and task name or description.
    Image Placeholder
  11. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Create to complete the automation setup.
    2. Keep going: Add additional conditions or actions, then click Create.

The automation is created and will begin running the next time a task's associated board column changes (aka the trigger event).

Automations with board actions

Move tasks to a specific board column when a trigger event occurs.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Select Automate in the project's top right.
  4. Click Custom Automation.
  5. Select an event from the Trigger dropdown in the When section. This is the event that'll cause the task to move columns.
  6. Choose which project the trigger should pay attention to (i.e. only trigger events in this project will activate the automation). By default, the current project is selected.
  7. Click + add condition below the When section to refine your trigger with additional criteria. This one's optional but offers exciting possibilities including a board column condition — ex. When a task's start date arrives and the task's board column is not set, move the task to the "In Progress" column).
  8. Select Move to board column as the action in the Then section.
  9. Choose a project. This is the project that contains the column you want to move tasks to. Choose the same project you set for the trigger (or select a different one if the task should change projects as well).
  10. Select a board column within the chosen project. 
  11. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Create to complete the automation setup.
    2. Keep going: Add additional conditions or actions, then click Create.

The automation is created and will begin running the next time the trigger event occurs. Each time the automation runs, the affected task is moved to the designated column.

Another option...

From a project's Board view: Click the ... (ellipsis) beside a column's name and select Add automation to access the automations builder.

View automations directly in Board view

View and manage existing board automations directly in a project's Board view.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's left navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the Board view. The Board tab might be hidden under the More... section.
  4. Hover over the automation icon (Image Placeholder) at the bottom of a column to see that column's active automations. Clicking this icon also opens the automations builder where you can manage the automation.
    Image Placeholder
    📝 Accounts with the legacy Board view triggers feature won't see an automations icon.
    • To see triggers: Hover over the trigger icon (Image Placeholder) visible on any column with active triggers.
    • To see automations: Click Automate in the project's navigation menu, then select the Manage tab. Enter "board" in the search field to refine the list and view only board-related automations.

Best practices

  • Tell your team: Make sure to tell your team which column to move tasks to when they're finished work (and let them know which automated updates will be applied)...and then make sure everyone is actually moving tasks.
  • Combine actions: Support more sophisticated workflows by adding multiple actions to an automation. Need some ideas? Set an automation on your "Completed" column with actions to Complete task and Add comment. Task cards moved here are automatically completed and the summary comment is posted to the task.
  • Templatize: Save time by creating automations on project templates. That way, projects launched from the template automatically have the automations added.