Within the Teamwork Desk mobile app, you can use the menu icon in the top left of your screen access and navigate between the various areas of your account. 

Navigation bar

The top level navigation bar located at the top of the app gives you quick access to (from left to right):

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Tapping the menu icon in the top left will open an additional slide out menu where you can navigate to further subsections of the app. 

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The Home area of the app gives you an overview of the inboxes, activity, and insights for your site.

In the Summary tab, you can see a breakdown of your starred inboxes, assigned tickets, company happiness, and all inboxes where you are a member. 

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From the Tickets area, you can view and manage tickets across all of your inboxes.

The gray navigation panel on the left of the screen gives you the ability to switch between inboxes. You can use the chevron icon (<) you can hide/unhide this menu. 

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The People area is broken down into three sections for customers, companies and agents, listing all existing people on your site.

The information and actions available to you will depend on your permissions.

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Additional navigation options

  • View Profile - view and edit your own profile. Including your personal overview, inboxes, tickets and Activity
  • My Tickets - takes you directly to your personal ticket inbox
  • Help & Support - access Teamwork Desk Help Docs 
  • Premium Support - create a Live Chat to Teamwork Support (subscription plan dependent)
  • Send Us Feedback - rate and comment on your Teamwork Desk experience 
  • Webinar Signup - join a Teamwork webinar 
  • What's New? - see recently released features for Teamwork Desk 
  • Settings - provides access to General and Inbox settings (permission dependent)
  • Switch Product - switch between your available Teamwork products
  • Log Out - sign out of the Teamwork Desk app

For more information, see: Downloading the Teamwork Desk Mobile App