Within Teamwork Desk, you can update your notification preferences to receive push notifications on your mobile device relating to your tickets.
Click your profile icon in the top right of your site and select View Profile from the dropdown menu.

In the Teamwork Desk mobile app, click the menu button in the top left and select View Profile from the slide out menu.

While viewing your profile, select the Edit Profile option in the top right.

Scroll to the Preferences subsection where you will have an option to turn on Push notifications using the toggle switch.

When you enable push notifications for your mobile device, your email notifications will automatically be mirrored. You can update your push and email notification preferences via the Notifications tab of your profile.

At the top of the notifications area, you can choose to apply your preferences to all inboxes you have access to or set different notifications for each inbox.

For each notification type, you can enable email or mobile notifications (or both) using the relevant checkboxes.
Note: You can enable a mobile push notification and disable an email one or vice versa and neither will interfere with the other.

Additionally, for sites that have the Live Chat feature enabled, you will be able to manage your live chat push notification settings for new live chat conversations.

You will also have to ensure that notifications for Teamwork Desk are enabled and allowed on your mobile device.
For more information, see: Updating Your Notification Settings