Within Teamwork Desk, you can use the site-level search to quickly find various items.

Quick search

Click Search in Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu to open the search panel.

As you start typing in the search field, the quick search returns results in the panel. By default, it searches everything (aka across all supported item types) for matches to your search term. A maximum of 5 results are show per item.

Image Placeholder

Refine your search by clicking everything in the search field and choosing a specific item type (tickets, companies, customers, help docs). Quick search will return the top five matches for that item type.

Search results are clickable and will bring you to the item's full view (ticket thread, company profile, Help Docs article, customer profile).

Advanced search

Click Advanced Search at the bottom of the search panel before or after entering a search term to access the full search results. Pressing Enter / Return on your keyboard while your cursor is active in the search field also brings you to the advanced search area.

In the advanced search view, you can navigate between separate results tabs for each item type.

Image Placeholder

You can also use advanced filters (Image Placeholder) to further refine your results based on a variety of properties. The filter options vary depending on the item type you are viewing (tickets, customers, companies, help docs).

Search by item ID

If you know an item's ID (ticket, customer, company, Help Docs site, or Help Docs article, you can enter the ID into the search field to find the item.

  • You can see the ticket ID at the top of the reply editor when viewing a ticket.
  • You can see the ID of other items in your site URL when viewing the individual item.

Supported ticket search options

When searching for tickets, you can prefix your search term to focus your search on the subject, body, or associated email.

Subject / body

  • Normal query: Search based on close but not exact match.
Image Placeholder

  • Exact match
Image Placeholder

  • Boolean operators
    • Example: subject:quick brown +fox -hound
    • Example: body:(quick OR brown) AND fox
  • Proximity
    • Example: subject:"Gallon Milk"~2


Imported tickets

Search for tickets you imported from one of Teamwork Desk's app importers based on the ticket's original ID in the previous help desk.

Ex. A Freshdesk ticket ID was 123456. Once imported to Teamwork Desk, you can search by that original ID (123456) in Teamwork Desk search to locate the ticket.

Supported customer search options

When searching for customers, can optionally search based on email address or customer ID.

  • Email: When your search term contains the @ character, it will search for matching email addresses.
    • Example: jane.daniels@mcconsultinghq.com
  • Customer ID: Use to search for a specific customer.
    • Example: 271602

For more information, see: Using Filters in Search