Within Teamwork.com, you can view your events, tasks, and milestones via the site-level Calendar area.

📣 PSA! We've made something even better. Check out our My calendar feature (in early release) which includes a new Google Calendar integration.

Click the More option in the main navigation menu on the left of your site and select Calendar from the pop-out menu.

Note: Collaborators cannot access the calendar, create events or generate iCal feeds.

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In the top right of the Calendar, you can switch the calendar view between month, week, and day. The current date will be highlighted in yellow in each view.

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You can use the controls in the top left to switch to a different month/week/year, go to the next or previous month, or jump to the current month.

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You can also click the link for the week number or the day of the month to jump straight to the week or day view.

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Events are shown on the day they are scheduled, or spanning multiple days based on their duration:

  • All day events will be displayed using a coloured bar to match the associated event type.
  • Events lasting less than a day will show a colored dot to the left of the event name to indicate the event type.

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If you hover over any event, you will see any other details associated with the event, such as time, description, who is attending, and creation & updated dates.

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In the calendar, milestones are shown on the date they are due.

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Hovering over a milestone will give you additional details such as the associated project, person responsible, and progress, as well as edit and delete options. Clicking the milestone will open a quick view on the right-hand side.

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You can choose whether to show or hide milestones in the calendar via the filters pane. Click the filters button in the top right of the calendar.

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In the filters pane, you can check or uncheck the option to show milestones.

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Using the advanced filters, you can switch between two view options for tasks in the Calendar. By default, this will be set to display by due date.

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When due date is selected, the total number of tasks will be shown on the calendar. Hovering over the task count will show you the corresponding list of tasks.

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There are a few variances to the way the tasks will show:

  • Tasks with no start or due date will not show on the calendar.
  • Tasks with a due date but no start date will show only on the day that they are due.
  • Task with a start date but no due date will show on each day until the task is completed.
  • Tasks with a start and due date will show on each day until they reach the due date in week view.
  • In month view, tasks will only show on their due date (if there is one set). 

When you set the tasks filter to be based on duration, your calendar view will update to display tasks individually (in blue) across the total number of days they are running.

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In the duration view, each day will show a maximum of three items (tasks, milestones, events) individually. Using the more count at the bottom, you can view the full list of items.

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Clicking the filters button in the top right of the Calendar area will open the filters pane on the right-hand side.

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By default, the calendar will be filtered to the current user's events and the tasks shown will default to display based on due date.

Using the filters, you can refine the calendar to show events with specific criteria:

  • Event name
  • Event types
  • User - created or is attending the event.
  • Projects - events private to certain projects' members.
  • Show/hide tasks and milestones

Note: Only users on paid subscriptions can save filters in the Calendar and other areas of Teamwork.com.

Other options

If you click the options (three dots) button in the top right of the calendar section you will find:

  • iCal Feeds
    • use this option to generate a feed for your calendar you can add to any calendar system that supports adding a calendar by URL.
  • Print - select from:
    • Agenda: list events in agenda format, select from the time frame you wish to view, and whether to include task tags.
    • Calendar (beta): generates a printable calendar view of your events.
  • Edit event types - to manage the event types (this option is only available to administrators in the owner company).

For more information, see: Filtering - Calendar