Within Teamwork Desk, you can change the settings and site information for your Help Docs sites.

🔑 Only site administrators can manage Help Docs sites' settings (appearance, categories, site information). Agents can update and manage existing articles and create new ones.

  1. Select Help Docs from Teamwork Desk's main navigation menu.

    Image Placeholder
  2. Scroll to the relevant Help Docs site card.
  3. Click the three dots (ellipsis) in the card's top right.
  4. Select Settings.

    Image Placeholder
  5. Update the site's settings (each section is outlined later on this page):
    1. Basics
    2. Site information
    3. Contact form


  • Site name
  • Published site — make the site publicly accessible.
  • Show social icons — when enabled, articles display options to share on social media.
  • Show date last modified — when enabled, articles display the date they were last updated.
  • Subdomain
  • Custom domain
    • You will need to create a CNAME record for your domain, pointing to helpdocsite.com.
  • Authentication options — lock the site's access:
    • Desk agents and administrators: Only allow access for users with login credentials for your Teamwork Desk site.
    • Password protected: Create a password to lock the site.
    • IP address allowed: Only allow people on certain IP addresses access the site.
    • IP address blocked: Block certain IP addresses from accessing the site.
  • Default edit method — HTML or Markdown.

Site information

  • Home Page URL —  specify link to your main website's homepage.
  • Home Page URL Text — the visible link text for people viewing the site.
  • Link to My Home Page — choose to display the website link on the Help Docs site.
  • Home Page Headline — add text to be displayed above the search field on the Help Docs site's homepage.
  • Meta Description — what appears when your site is referenced in a search engine, ex. Google.
  • Home Page Content — choose whether to display categories or most popular articles on the homepage.
  • Site language — selecting a language will translate all strings to the selected locale.

Contact form

  • Show Contact Form — you can enable a contact form to allow visitors submit tickets through your Help Docs site. 
  • Send Emails To — choose which inbox the emails should be added to.


  • You can support comments via Disqus, and visit Disqus directly from this comments area.

For more information, see: Working with the Help Docs Area