Within Teamwork Desk, you can use markdown to format your email replies and Help Docs pages, rather than the default WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor as HTML.
For example, using markdown to display text:
- **Hello** would display as Hello
- Embedding a link:
- [using markdown](http://commonmark.org/help/) would display as using markdown.
To enable markdown, click your profile icon to the right of the main navigation bar and choose Settings from the dropdown menu.

In the Settings area, go to the General tab and select Site Settings from the left pane.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you will see an option to change the text editor preference. Choose Markdown from the dropdown.

For emails, the default for new users can be set in the site settings. In addition, every user can set their personal preference in their profile settings.
Changing the site setting will not change the setting for any individual existing users it will just be the default for new users.
Note: Teamwork Desk will never convert HTML to Markdown or vice versa, so if some users use Markdown, they may occasionally see the HTML editor when editing messages written as HTML or when loading drafts saved as HTML.
Canned responses, auto replies, etc. are always in HTML.
For more information, see: Using Variables