Search for "gmail add-on" yielded 636 results

  • Editing Post via Email Addresses
    Note: Only project administrators and above can edit post via email addresses.
  • Manage Project Email Notifications
    Go to the People area of your project and select the People subsection. Next to each project member's email address you will see an envelope icon.
  • Viewing Failed Email Logs
    Click your profile icon in the bottom left corner of your site and select Settings from the pop-out menu. In the settings area, go to the Email tab where you will see a Failed Log section.
  • Adding a Link via Email
    Within, you can you can add links to your projects via email. Note: Any project members with the project permission to Add Links can use the post via email feature.
  • Enabling Your Daily Report Email
    Within, you can opt-in to receive a daily email that is sent at a time of day your choice.
  • Manage Files on Tasks
    ✔ Available on all subscriptions What Attach files to tasks, view existing files on tasks, and manage files attached to tasks.
  • Setting Privacy on Milestones
    Within, you can set privacy on any milestones you add to your project so only certain users can access them.
  • Setting Privacy on Links
    Within, you can set privacy on links added to your project so only certain users can access them.
  • Setting Privacy on Notebooks
    Within, you can set privacy on any notebooks you add to your project so only certain users can access them.
  • Task Completed Email Notification Settings
    You can add followers when creating a new task or editing an existing task via the Followers tab of the task form.
  • Updating Your Status via Email
    Within, you can update your profile status for your site via email. To do this, you can email the unique email address for your site related to status updates.
  • Setting Privacy on Tasks
    Privacy cannot be set directly on subtasks. New tasks To set privacy on a task when the task is being created, select the Privacy option from the More dropdown.
  • Setting Privacy on Messages
    Within, you can set privacy on any messages added to your project so only certain users can access them.
  • Using Commands in Email Replies to Comments
    You can reply to an email notification with commands for specific actions: #like - this adds a Like on the comment you're replying to and posts your text as a new comment.
  • Add a Message
    They stay in one area, are a way to provide project-related updates, and make it easy to go back and find information when you need it. Unlike a certain other communication tool ~ email!
  • Add a Link
    ✔ Available on all subscriptions What Add links to your project to store relevant resources in one easy-to-access place.
  • Enabling on Your Projects
    ✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 is a cloud-based content management platform that enables you to store, share, and collaborate on files.
  • Single Sign-on (SSO) Overview
    Within, single sign-on is offered as part of the paid Advanced Security subscription add-on.
  • Receiving Email Notifications for Task Updates
    When you make a change to an existing task you can choose to notify people via email of these changes. Note: If the task is assigned to you only, you will get an email notification.
  • Viewing Activity on Your Site
    The Activity section shows a timeline of all the activities occurring across your projects, with options in the top right to filter and sort the items you see.
  • Setting Privacy on Task Lists
    Within, you can set the privacy on a task list so that only certain people on the project are able to see it.
  • Managing Links on a Project
    Within, you can copy, move, and export links on your projects. To manage links on a project, open the project and go to the Links tab.
  • Enabling on Your Site
    ✔ Available on Starter, Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1 is a cloud-based content management platform that enables you to store, share, and collaborate on files.
  • Create an Expense on a Project
    ✔️ Available on all subscriptions What Expenses are purchase records for spend related to a project. Think: tracking spend on good and services.
  • Using the Microsoft Outlook Add-in
    Once you have installed the add-on from the Microsoft Outlook marketplace, you will see Teamwork listed as an option under your Add-ins .