Within Microsoft Outlook, you can add tasks and files to your projects using the Teamwork.com add-in.

This integration is supported with Microsoft Outlook Online and Microsoft Outlook Desktop (Mac or Windows).

Installing the add-in

The Outlook add-in can be installed via the Teamwork.com app page in the Microsoft Outlook add-in marketplace. Select Get it now to proceed to the installation steps. 

Once you have installed the add-on from the Microsoft Outlook marketplace, you will see Teamwork listed as an option under your Add-ins.

Using the add-in 

While viewing an email, click the three dots in the top right of the message thread and select Teamwork from the options menu.

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The add-in will open in a panel on the right of your Outlook account where you can either log in to an existing Teamwork.com site or sign up to a new account.

Once you have entered your Teamwork.com credentials, you will also need to grant access permissions for the add-in to link with your account.

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You will then be brought to an overview menu where you can add new tasks or attach files from emails to existing tasks on your Teamwork.com site.

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Adding a task

When adding a new task, you can select a destination project and task list and set a task name. You can also:

  • Add Email as an Attachment - email contents will be posted as a comment on the newly created task in Teamwork.com.
  • Who and When
    • Choose assignee(s) and choose whether to notify.
    • Set task start and end dates.
  • Description
  • Files - select existing attachments from the email to include as attachments on the task.

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Attaching files to a task

Using the add-in, you can add attachments from an email to an existing task in one of your projects.

In the add-in home screen, select the Attach a File options.

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Using the Task Name field, you can search for existing tasks on your projects in Teamwork.com. Select the relevant task from the dropdown results.

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Once a task has been selected, additional options will appear:

  • Add Email as an Attachment - a HTML copy of the email will be uploaded as an attachment on the task.
  • Select attachments - use the checkboxes to the right of each of the current email's attachments to choose which ones to add to the task.

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Logging out

To log out of your associated Teamwork.com account, click the Log Out button at the bottom of the add-in window.

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Uninstalling the add-in

While viewing an email, click the three dots in the top right of the message thread and select Get Add-ins from the options menu.

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From the My add-ins subsection, locate or search for the Teamwork for Outlook add-in. 

Using the options menu (three dots) on the add-in card, choose Remove from the dropdown menu. 

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For more information, see: Integration options