Within Teamwork.com, you can set privacy on any notebooks you add to your project so only certain users can access them.
You can set privacy on notebooks when first creating them on your project or when editing an existing notebook.
New notebooks
When creating a new notebook, you can set privacy below the notebook content area. By default, privacy will be set to Everybody on the project.

In the privacy modal, you can switch between people and teams. Privacy can be set to individual project members, entire companies, or teams.

You can use the search field at the top to locate specific people. Click the filters button on the right for additional options on who should be selectable in the People and Teams tabs.

Existing notebooks
To change the privacy of an existing notebook, hover over the notebook in the project's Notebooks tab. Select the information icon (Edit Details) to the right of the notebook name.

You can then adjust the privacy settings at the bottom of the notebook details modal.

Note: Site administrators in the owner company will always be selected (gray) in privacy settings, as their permissions override privacy by default and they will always be able to see the item.
For more information, see: Creating a Notebook