✔  Available on Deliver, Grow, and Scale subscriptions 1

Within Teamwork.com, you can use project health reports to track and manage the progress of your projects.

Click the More option in the main navigation menu and select Reports from the pop-out menu.

Note: The project health report is accessible to site administrators and users with project admin permissions on at least one project.

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In the reports gallery, select the Project Health tile from the Teamwork.com Reports section.

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When viewing the project health report:

  • Site administrators will see all projects.
  • Project administrators will only see projects where they are an admin.

In the project health report, you will see a series of columns highlighting important aspects of the project.

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Clicking the project name will open a quick view of the project's Summary on the right.

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To the right of the project name, you will also see a count of the total number of overdue tasks currently active (if any) on the project.

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Clicking this overdue tasks count will open a quick view listing each of the tasks.

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Last active
The last active date is based on most recent activity occurring on the project.

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For projects with a project owner currently set, their user avatar will be shown in the owner field. You can click the avatar to change the owner. If no owner is set, hover over the field and click Set Owner.

Note: The project owner feature is available on paid Teamwork.com subscription plans (excluding legacy Personal and Startup plans).

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If set, the start and end dates of the project will be displayed. Clicking the dates will bring up a modal allowing you to adjust the dates.

For projects with no dates, hover over the date field and select Set Start & End Dates.

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Time left
This column displays the days (or months or years) remaining on the project from the current day to the project's due date.

  • It is only populated if the project has start and end dates set.
  • Completed projects instead show a Completed label.

Task completion
The percentage completion rate of tasks on the project. This field will also note the number of active tasks remaining on the project (when the task completion percentage is below 100%).

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Clicking the percentage will open a quick view on the right detailing all of the project's tasks.

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This column is based on the project budgets feature which is only available on per-user Premium subscriptions and above.

If you have a project budget set for a project, this field will show the budget usage percentage, amount of budget used, and the overall budget total. The budget usage bar color will change from green, to yellow, to red depending on how much of the budget is used.

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Once a project goes over budget, the budget usage bar will turn red and a warning indicator will be shown. Hovering over this will display how much over budget the project is currently.

Clicking the current budget percentage will open a quick view displaying the budget history for the project.

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If no budget is set, a modal will open allowing you to set a new budget for the project.


The current health status of the project will be shown if set. You can click the field to open a dropdown of the project health options and select a new one.

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Note: The project health feature is available on paid Teamwork.com subscription plans (excluding legacy Personal and Startup plans).

Latest update

The most recent project update will be shown. Hovering over the update, you can see who posted the update and when. You can also add a new update via this pop-up. For projects with no update set, hover over the field to set or request a new one (depending on your project permissions).

Note: The project updates feature is available on paid Teamwork.com subscription plans (excluding legacy Personal and Startup plans).

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Clicking the current update will open a quick view on the right displaying the update history for the project. You can also set a new update in the top right.

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Custom fields

You can also include additional columns in the project health report for any existing project custom fields on your site.

Note: Custom fields are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.

Column options

Click the plus icon to the right of the column headings and use the toggles in the dropdown menu to show or hide relevant columns.

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You can also customize the order of the columns in the table by clicking and dragging a column heading to a new position in the report.

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Sorting options

You can quickly sort the report based on one of the columns that supports sorting by clicking the column heading. Clicking multiple times will switch the sorting between ascending and descending order.

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Filter options

In the top right of the report area, you can use the search field to locate a specific project or owner. You can also toggle to view projects where you are a member or everyone's projects.

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Using the date range option, you can apply a range for the report such as last week, last month, last 3 months, or custom range.

  • This date range is based on project activity, as reflected in the report's Last active date column.
  • Only projects whose most recent activity occurred within the selected date range will be shown in the report.

Further filter options allow you to filter by: 

  • Owner
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Companies 
  • Projects: all, starred, late
    • Include completed projects - use the checkbox to include or exclude completed projects. 

To remove your current filter selections, click Clear all.

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You can use the Save Filter button to save the filtered view you are currently using. Once you give the filter a name, press Enter / Return on your keyboard to save the filter. You can also access your existing saved filters via the Saved filters button in the bottom left of the filter options dropdown. Clicking a saved filter will apply it to the report.


Using the export option in the top right of the project health report, you can download a copy of the report in PDF, CSV, or Excel.

Note: Accounts on Grow and Scale subscription plans will have an additional option to export to Google Sheets.

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Returning to the reports gallery

You can exit the report and return to the reports gallery by clicking the Back to reports link in the top left.

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For more information, see: Setting Project Health

1. Also available on legacy subscriptions: Pro, Premium, Enterprise.