Within Teamwork.com, you can set default values on your task list to be applied to new tasks added to the list.
When creating a new task list, you can choose the values to be applied under the Defaults tab.

To edit the defaults for an existing task list, click the three dots to the right of the task list name in the Table or List area of the project and select Edit List from the dropdown menu.

In either the Edit Task List or Add Task List modal, you can customize the default settings for new tasks via the Defaults tab.
- Pin this task list - keep the task list pinned so it does not auto-close once all tasks have been completed.
- Time - choose a default billable setting for time logged on tasks in the task list.
- Inherit the default already set at project-level or customize for the task list.
- Note: This can be overridden when logging time.
- Defaults for new tasks - set specific values for different task properties to be applied each time a new task is created in the list.

Click the Edit button in the Defaults for new tasks subsection to open the task defaults modal.
You can navigate between the different task property tabs to set specific defaults for those properties.

The defaults you choose will apply to the individual tasks added to the task list.
- Task details:
- Who should do this - choose specific people, companies, or teams to be assigned to tasks.
- Start date - Day 1 (Today), Day 2 (Tomorrow), through to day 365.
- Due date - Day 1 (Today), Day 2 (Tomorrow), through to day 365.
- Description
- Priority
- Progress & Time
- Progress percentage
- Estimated time
- Followers - choose specific people, companies, or teams to be added as followers of tasks in the task list. You can also customize which updates they receive:
- Follow options: All notifications, task changes, or comments.
- Tags
- More:
- Privacy
- Reminders
- Note: A default due date is required to be set before you can set default reminders.
- Board column - this option will only show if at least one column has been created on the project.
- Custom fields
- Note: Custom fields are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
At the bottom of the task defaults modal, you can use the toggle option to choose whether these defaults should be applied to any existing tasks in the task list.

Click Set Defaults to update the selected properties and return to the Edit/Add Task List modal where you will also need to click Save Changes / Add Task List to update the task list settings.
Tasks created via email will also inherit these default values unless you specify different values using supported task commands.
Using an existing task to set defaults
You can also set defaults from an existing task, using that task's properties as the default for all new tasks created in the task list.
In Table view, click the three dots to the right of the task row. Hover over the More option in the pop-up menu, then select Use as Task Default.

In List view, you will first need to hover over the relevant task to reveal the options button (three dots).

For more information, see: Using Task List Templates