✔  Available on all subscriptions.

Task templates are like placeholder task lists for tasks you're likely to use repeatedly. Create a template, then apply it any time you need those tasks on a project.
  • Save time by templatizing common pieces of work.
  • Assign work based on role — you don't need to know who'll be doing the work until you use the template to create tasks.
  • Reduce manual effort by saving existing task lists as templates for future use.
  • Site admins (in the owner company)
  • Standard users with the profile permission:
    • Manage task templates (allows users to access the task templates area, create & manage task templates, and save task lists as templates). 
    • If a user also has permission to add task lists or add tasks on a project, they can create task lists or tasks from templates.
Any time you have a group of tasks that you're going to use on multiple projects. Create a template with those tasks, then apply it each time you need to on a project.
Task templates are like placeholder task lists for tasks you're likely to use repeatedly. Create a template, then apply it any time you need those tasks on a project.
  • Save time by templatizing common pieces of work.
  • Assign work based on role — you don't need to know who'll be doing the work until you use the template to create tasks.
  • Reduce manual effort by saving existing task lists as templates for future use.
  • Site admins (in the owner company)
  • Standard users with the profile permission:
    • Manage task templates (allows users to access the task templates area, create & manage task templates, and save task lists as templates). 
    • If a user also has permission to add task lists or add tasks on a project, they can create task lists or tasks from templates.
Any time you have a group of tasks that you're going to use on multiple projects. Create a template with those tasks, then apply it each time you need to on a project.

Create a task template

Step 1: Access templates

  1. Click your profile icon in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Switch to the Templates tab.
  4. Scroll to Task templates.
  5. Click Set-upAlready have some templates? Click Edit instead.
    Image Placeholder
💡 You can also access templates from the task list options menu (Image Placeholder) in a project:
  • In List or Table view's top right.
  • On an individual task list heading's right.

Step 2: Enter the template's details

  1. Click Add Template in the view's top right.
  2. Enter the template's name.
  3. Add a description or any relevant notes.

    Image Placeholder
  4. Choose privacy (if necessary). This determines who can access the template in a project.
    1. Switch to the Who can view this tab.
    2. Click Everybody on the project.
    3. Check the boxes on the left of each person or company whose members you want to grant access to.
    4. Click Update.
    5. 📝 This does not affect the privacy of task lists or tasks created from the template.
  5. Click Add Template.

Create tasks in the template

Step 1: Create a task

  1. Scroll to the task template.
  2. Click Add a taskAlternatively, click the on the template heading's right. 
  3. Enter the task's name.

    Image Placeholder

Step 2:  Choose assignees

  1. Click Anyone under Who should do this to update the task's assignees.
  2. Choose from:
    • Anyone: Keep the task unassigned, aka assigned to "Anyone" when this template is used on a project.
    • Single assignee: Click a user's name to assign the task to that individual.
    • Multiple assignees: Click Add More, then use the checkboxes to assign the task to one or multiple individuals, teams, or companies. Click Update.
    • Choose later: Set a placeholder assignee role (ex. "Design"). When the template is used on a project, you'll be prompted to assign specific project members to the task.

Step 3: Set dates

Task dates work differently in templates — they use days (ex. day 1, 3, 5) rather than specific dates.

When the template is used, the dates are set counting from the day you use the template (aka the anchor date).

  • You set the template task's start date as Day 1 (Today) — the new task's start date will be the current date.
  • You set the template task's start date to Day 5 — when you use the template on a project, the new task's start date will be the current date + 4 days.

Step 4: Set task properties

Apply different properties (ex. priority, estimated time, tags, repeats, reminders) or attach files to the template task.
  • Template tasks must have a due date before reminders can be set.
  • When you use the template on a project, the new task created inherits the template task's properties.

Step 5: Finish the setup

Apply different properties (ex. priority, estimated time, tags, repeats, reminders) or attach files to the template task.

  1. Review the task's details.
  2. Click Create Task.

Save an existing task list as a template

Have a task list on a project that would be relevant to future projects? Save it as a template.

  1. Click Jump to in Teamwork.com's main navigation menu.
  2. Search for and select a project.
  3. Switch to the project's List or Table view.
  4. Scroll to the relevant task list.
  5. Click the ellipsis (Image Placeholder) on the task list heading's right.
  6. Hover over Templates.
  7. Select Save as template
  8. Enter the template's name.
  9. Add a description (optional).

    Image Placeholder
  10. Switch to the Options tab.
  11. Check the boxes beside each setting you want to apply.
    1. Make this template private to your company.
    2. Include completed tasks.
  12. Click Save as template.

A template is saved to the task templates area, populated with copies of the original list's tasks.

⚠️ Project-specific items such as tags and custom-fields are not carried over to the template.

Best practices

  • Organize: Leverage templates right from the outset — use templated task lists to group common repeat work into relevant subsets (e.g. based on department, or by micro-goal), then build out new projects from the templates.
  • Increase efficiency: Apply task properties (ex. tags, priority, estimated time) as you create templates, reducing the amount of maintenance needed when launching new task lists from the template.
  • Build on existing processes: If you already have task lists on projects that work effectively, save them as templates and save yourself (and your team) from having to build them from scratch each time.