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Task lists are for organizing projects and the tasks within them. Use task lists to contain, order, and group your individual tasks within a broader project.
  • Add organization and structure.
  • Group subsets of related work.
  • Give each team or department a centralized hub for their responsibilities.
  • All site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with permission to:
    • Add task lists (ability to create, edit, and delete task lists on the project)
First, create a project, then task lists — without them, you can't create tasks!
  • Group related tasks for intuitive organization and a more holistic view of what's being worked on.
  • Create groupings that reflect your team's priorities and initiatives.
Task lists are containers for work (tasks on your projects) - think of them as to-do list headings.are for organizing projects and the tasks within them. Use task lists to contain, order, and group your individual tasks within a broader project.
  • Add organization and structure.
  • Group subsets of related work.
  • Give each team or department a centralized hub for their responsibilities.
  • All site admins and project admins
  • Standard users and client users with permission to:
    • Add task lists (ability to create, edit, and delete task lists on the project)
First, create a project, then task lists — without them, you can't create tasks!
  • Group related tasks for intuitive organization and a more holistic view of what's being worked on.
  • Create groupings that reflect your team's priorities and initiatives.
🎓 Learn in-app: Create a task list

Before you start

Creating a task list should be the first step after creating a project because tasks must be added to a task list within a project. You can't create a task unless it belongs to a task list.

Create a task list

The step-by-step is below but make sure you go beyond this section to Best Practices for some advice on how to approach task lists.

These steps showcase Table view:

  1. Click Jump to in the left navigation and select a project.

    Image Placeholder
  2. Select Table to switch to the Table view. The Table tab might be hidden under the "More..." section.

    Image Placeholder

  3. Click + Add Task List to launch the task list creation wizard.
  4. Type your task list's name.
  5. Add any relevant notes for the list. Think of this as the list's helper text or description.

    Image Placeholder
  6. Next:
    1. Stop there: Click Add Task List.
    2. Level up: Modify additional task list details (options outlined below), then click Add Task List.
      1. Privacy: Decide who should (more accurately, who shouldn't) have access to the task list.
      2. Milestone: Attach the task list to a milestone so that you can track progress towards a key goal.
        ⚠️ The Milestones tab is only visible if the milestones feature is turned on for a project.
      3. More defaults: pin a list, decide if tasks should be billable or non-billable by default, and set property values.

💡 Did you know that you can also create a task list from a template? That populates the list with a set of templated tasks you use regularly.

Another option...

You can also click the + Add Task List button (and access the task list creation wizard) from a project's:
  • List view
  • Gantt view

Best practices

  • Organize: Use task lists to group tasks into relevant subsets of work (e.g. based on department, or by micro-goal).
  • Increase efficiency: Set default properties for new tasks in the task list. Psst! You can have all new tasks added to a particular board column by default.
  • Set phased timelines: Attach a milestone to a task list to set a clear target date for task list completion.

Elevate your task lists

  • Repeatable work: Create task list templates to save time (and probably some heartache) if you have a set of tasks that regularly need to be carried out.
  • Granular financial visibility: Drill down into your project budget by setting budgets for each task list.