Within Teamwork.com, you can set defaults from an existing task so the properties of that task will be used as the default for all new tasks created in the task list.
In Table view, click the options button (three dots) on the right of the relevant task row. In List view, you will first need to hover over the task to reveal the options button.
Hover over More and select Use as Task Default from the pop-out menu.

Selecting the Use as Task Default option will apply the properties of that task as the overall task list's default settings for new tasks added in the future.
You will be asked to confirm before the changes are saved.
Default options
- Assigned To - set to a particular user or multiple people, teams, or companies.
- Start Date - Day 1 (Today), Day 2 (Tomorrow), through to day 365
- Due Date - Day 1 (Today), Day 2 (Tomorrow), through to day 365
- Description - add a task description
- Priority - choose a priority (low, medium, high)
- Estimated Time - set estimated time
- Followers - select which people should be added as followers for tasks in the list
- All notifications
- Task changes
- Comments
- Tags - select tag(s)
- Privacy - set privacy for tasks in the list
- Board Columns - choose a board column for the list's tasks
- Custom fields - apply one or more existing custom fields to the task.
- Note: Custom fields are available on per-user Premium/Grow subscriptions and above.
For more information, see: Setting Defaults for New Tasks in a Task List