Within Teamwork Desk, you can edit the details of a company via the company profile.
Note: Only site administrators can create, edit, and delete companies on your site.
Go to the People area at the top of your site and select the Companies subsection.

Select the company you wish to update to open the company profile, then click Edit Company in the top right.

You can update the company logo, name, contact information, domains, details and social networks.

Hover over a field and click the pencil icon to edit it. Once you have updated the details, you can either save or cancel.

There is an option at the bottom to delete the individual company.

It is also possible to delete one or multiple companies from the main Companies area.

Company domains
Manage the email domains associated with the company to automatically add customers matching those domains to the company.
- Each company can have multiple domains applied.
- Each domain can only be associated with one company.
- Domain example: teamwork.com
- Domains can contain wildcards to account for subdomains.
- Wildcard domain example: *.teamwork.com or *teamwork.com
- All new and existing tickets from customers matching the inputted domain(s) will automatically be added to the company.
- Note: When adding a new customer to your site, company domain matching will be overridden if you select a specific company in the Add Customer modal.
For more information, see: Understanding Companies