Within Teamwork Desk, your agents can update customer portal permissions on an individual customer basis.
Note: The ability to customize Customer Portal permissions is available on Premium subscriptions and above.
When a customer's personal permissions are updated in their profile, this will override the permissions set at company level for that particular user.
To change a customer's permissions, go to the People area at the top of your site and select the customer from the Customers subsection to open their profile.

When viewing the customer's profile, click the Edit Profile button in the top right corner.

By default, the customer will only have access to their own personal tickets in the Customer Portal.
Note: For Starter and Pro subscriptions, customers can only access their personal tickets. This cannot be changed.
In the customer's profile, you will have an option to allow the user to also view their company's tickets.
- When enabled, they will see all tickets submitted by all other people in their associated company when they log in to their Customer Portal account. They will also be able to submit replies to these tickets.
- Note: They cannot select the Please consider this request solved option when replying to tickets created by other members of their company.
- If the company is using domains to automatically add customers to a company, the customer will be able to see all tickets for all domains associated with the company.

The permission to view company tickets can also be updated at company-level for all company members. Changing this permission for an individual allows you to grant them different access than the rest of the company's users.
For more information, see: Setting Company Permissions for the Customer Portal