Within Teamwork Spaces, you can use the navigation bar to move between the various areas of your site.

The Home area will display a view of the spaces you currently have access to along with their respective space categories. You can also view subsections for starred spaces, starred pages, templates, and tags.

This is a dropdown option that allows you to quickly access individual spaces.
The list will include any spaces you have permission to access, and you can use the filter field at the top of the dropdown to find a specific space.
Required Reading
In this section, you can view a list of any pages or spaces that have been set as required reading for you. You will have separate tabs for your unread and read items, as well as a tab where you can view all items at once.
Each individual required reading item will be grouped according to its associated space.
You can use the filter option at the top to filter the list by space or page title.
On the right side of the navigation bar, you will have some additional options.

When you start typing a search term, a dropdown will open and automatically update the results as you continue to type.
The default search option is to search by page titles, which will return any pages or spaces with titles containing the search term.
At the bottom of the dropdown, you can select to include content matches, which will also match the search term to the content within your individual pages and spaces.
You can then filter these results using the checkboxes by title, content, or tag.
Quick add (+)
This will allow you to add the following items quickly:
- Create a space
- Add page (only visible while viewing a space)
- Import from Confluence
Product switcher
The product switcher allows you to manage and quickly move to your other Teamwork product accounts, such as Teamwork or Teamwork Desk.

Profile menu
When you click your profile image to the far right of the navigation bar, you can access:
- Settings - opens a modal where you can update your name, email address, password, and notification preferences.
- Subscription - administrators can access the subscription information for your site.
- Send Us Feedback - submit your feedback to Teamwork about how Teamwork Spaces works for you.
- What's new? - View any recent changes to Teamwork Spaces. A red notification will show when a new item has been added.
- Help - quick access to Teamwork Spaces support help docs.
- Log Out
For more information, see: Working with the Home Area