Within Teamwork Spaces, you can bookmark individual pages across your different spaces for easy access.
Go to your space and select the relevant page from the left navigation pane. While viewing the page, click the star icon to the left of the page title.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/10816647/page star.gif)
Once a page is starred, it will be added to the Starred Pages subsection of the Home area. Clicking a page title will bring you directly to the page.
Note: If a page you have starred is made private by another user or is deleted, it will automatically be removed from your Starred Pages list.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/10816661/Screenshot 2020-12-07 at 13.52.24.png)
Clicking the star icon beside a page in the Starred Pages area will unstar the page and remove it from the list. You can also do this while viewing the individual page.
![Image Placeholder](/desk/file/10816672/unstar page.gif)
For more information, see: Starring a Space