Within Teamwork.com, you can mark any notebook that you create as containing sensitive content.
Marking a notebook as having sensitive content will stop the notebook information being included in related emails sent to users.
When creating a notebook, you can check the box to the bottom of the editor window before clicking Create Notebook.

You can choose to enable or disable sensitive content on any notebook that has already been created by choosing the Edit Details option beneath the notebook title.
Note: The option to edit details will only appear when you hover your mouse over the title of the notebook.

In the Edit Notebook Details modal, you can manage the sensitive content option at the bottom.

When you are editing the contents of a notebook that has been marked as containing sensitive content, an alert will be noted below the notify options at the end of the editor informing you that any email notifications associated with the notebook will only include a link.

For more information, see: Notebook Editing